Brelshaza Gate 5 OLD Legion Raid Guide - Lost Ark (2024)

Lost Ark

Legion Raids

Brelshaza Gate 5 OLD Legion Raid Guide

Last Updated: September 12th 2023

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Brelshaza Gate 5 puts heavy focus on team play and proper positioning while keeping track of the surroundings. It's crucial to not get greedy and make sure everyone is ready to proceed when necessary.

The recommended Combat Items include, but are not limited to:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Swiftness Robe or Marching Flag (If low movement speed)
  • Whirlwind Grenade for classes with low stagger damage
  • Dark Grenade on supports or dps with high stagger
  • Time Stop Potion

Disclaimer: In this guide, we will only focus on the important core & general patterns of the boss. Basic attacks of Gate 5 which are easy to predict or deal low damage, won't be explained in detail.

This guide assumes that you are familiar with the recommendedRaid Buildfor your class.

Learn about Brelshaza Legion Raid Gate: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6.

Raid Assignments

Black/White 180HP & 90HP
  • Party1 - Collects White Orbs
  • Party2 - Collects Black Orbs

Orb amount

  • Party1&2 - Party number times 2 (X2)
Shapes 140HP
  • Party1&2 - Party number times 3 (X3)

Orb Stagger 110HP

  • Party1 - Left side
  • Party2 - Right side
Shapes 50HP
  • Party1&2 - Party number times 3+1 (X3+1)

Main Mechanics Overview

  • x180 HP - Black & White
  • x140 HP - Shapes Party X3
  • x110 HP - Orb Stagger + Mini Cube + Memory Game
  • x90 HP - Black & White
  • x50 HP - Shapes Party X3+1

Once you have read through the detailed description of the main patterns, use the “cheat sheet” during the raid, or check out our condensed Cheat Sheet Collection for all Legion Raids on one page.

Raid Mechanics

Raid mechanics cover the passive mechanics that are persistent through the entire raid.

Sidereal - Azena

Sidereal - Shandi

Sidereal - Innana



  • Azena is the Sidereal used for damage.

When To Use (Does not include all possible situations)

  • It is safe to use her at any moment, except during transitions that have damage reduction.



  • Shandi slows down time.
  • All player skill cooldowns including awakening get fully reset.

When To Use

  • If party damage is high, using it after successful Shape mechanic can be acceptable.



  • Innana is the Sidereal used for damage reduction and knockdown immunity.
  • Provides a minor heal when she expires.

When To Use (Does not include all possible situations)

  • Innana is generally not used for gate 5.

Main Mechanics

Main mechanics occur at certain HP intervals.

Black & White


Orb + Cube + Memory

Assignments: Black & White 180HP & 90HP

  1. Party1 - Collects White Orbs
  2. Party2 - Collects Black Orbs
  • Player1 - 2 orbs ○● (Circle)
  • Player2 - 4 orbs ◇◆ (Diamond)
  • Player3 - 6 orbs ⬡⬢ (Hexagon)
  • Player4 - 8 orbs ☆★(Star)

Orb Explanation

Black & White orbs spawn on the playfield. Picking these up will generate stacks to your character. At certain stacks: 2,4,6 & 8 they transform into specific shapes. By the time the HP reaches 140, players need to have obtained one of each shape and be ready for the gimmick. To know the amount of orbs you require, simply multiply your party number by two. Each orb grants +1 stack to that color, while each opposite color orb gives -1.


  1. Occurs at or near x180 HP.
  2. The Boss emits a golden wave outwards, with a text guide popping up on the screen.


  1. Check your party and your number to know what your assignment is.
  2. Black & White orbs will be generated across the playfield.
  3. Every x5 HP, a new set of orbs will be generated. 180, 175, 170, 165, 160, 155, 150, 145.

What To Do

  1. Based on your party number, pickup the corresponding amount of White or Black orbs.
  2. If you gather too many orbs, make sure to pick up the opposite color to reduce your stacks.
  3. Slow down your damage when approaching 150 & 145 HP and make sure you have the correct shape.
  4. Orbs will stop spawning after 145 HP!
  5. Make sure all players are ready and push the boss to x140 HP to initiate the Shape Mechanic.


  1. Occurs at or near x140 HP.
  2. The Boss gains crazy damage reduction and marks the black shape players with a blue circle.


  1. Players in party1&2 should know their position assignments: 140 HP (x3) and 50 HP (x3+1).
  2. Run to the outer tile and place the blue circle within it, don't cross the borders of other tiles.
  3. Both party members need to be close with each other to form a tether.
  4. Without this tether, the shape won't be created!
  5. Once successful, gather in the center and look for white beams of light coming out of player characters.
  6. These beams have a shape attached to them at the top.
  7. Check this shape and bring it to the correct hole in the arena.
  8. Other players should avoid getting hit, as well as trying to go close to the current shape.
  9. If a player was chosen, he cannot receive another shape, and can avoid going near future shapes.
  10. If one shape is not destroyed, Support players can apply damage reduction/shields to survive or use a Time Stop Potion with the correct timing.

140HP Shapes X3

50HP Shapes X3+1


  1. Occurs at or near x110 HP.
  2. The Boss disappears and reappears in the center of the map. Lighting up circles on the ground in a random sequence.

Orb Stagger

  1. Pay attention to which of the circles on the ground lights up first and which second.
  2. This decides the upcoming stagger check order.
  3. 2 Orbs will spawn from the sky, whichever side lighted up first has to stagger first.
  4. Once completed, the other side has to stagger their ball as well.
  5. After completing both sides, you have 3 seconds to stagger the boss in the center.
  6. Additionally, illusions of Brelshaza will spawn at 12 & 6 o'clock. These need to be countered when their hand shines brightly. Otherwise, large raid wipe damage will occur. One person per party should be assigned this job.
  7. Alternatively, you can use a Time Stop Potion after knocking Brelshaza and avoid performing counters to immune the damage you would otherwise take.
  8. Completing this initiates the next part of this gimmick: The Cube Minigame.
  9. Everyone except 1 player! Needs to enter the Portal which has formed in the place of the staggered orbs.
  10. This should be a DPS player from the right cube party. He needs to remain on the main arena floor.
  11. If nobody is on the main arena when others enter the portal, then the raid wipes.

Cube Minigame

  1. Each cube spawns with x20 HP and has a stagger check at x10 HP.
  2. Periodically, ether buffs will be spawning on the floor.
  3. Based on which cube you've entered, you will have to collect a different amount of these buffs.

Left Cube

  • Each player needs to gather x3 of the special ether buff.
  • Buffs last for 1minute and only around 15 ethers spawn.
  • It is crucial to not grab these too quickly if your DPS is low, and refresh the 1-min uptime periodically.
  • Stagger Check at x10 HP is incredibly important! Failing it will not spawn enough ether buffs for you to complete your stacks, resulting in a wipe.
  • Make sure everyone has x3 of the ether buff, kill the cube and leave the area immediately, otherwise you'll die!

Right Cube

  • On this side, only 1 player has to gather the ether buffs.
  • Unlike the left cube, you need to gather x12 of this buff to complete it.
  • The support should do this job, as each ether inflicts a bleed to the player, and it can stack up very quickly.
  • Don't forget the Stagger Check at x10 HP!
  • When your player has x12 ether buffs, kill the cube and leave the area instantly.

Memory Game

  1. If everyone did the cube correctly, they will be greeted by a long cinematic channel from Brelshaza.
  2. Once it completes, she will initiate a stagger check, while shooting 5 light beams in 5 directions.
  3. Players must stand on the light beams she is emitting from her body and stagger her.
  4. Standing on these lights will give you increased stagger damage as well as protect you from being silenced.
  5. Remember the pattern the light beams create!
  6. Once the stagger is complete, she will show 4 safe spot locations with different light beam patterns.
  7. Recall the pattern that you saw during the stagger check and find the correct spot.
  8. Only 1 spot is safe!
  9. If done correctly, the gimmick is finaly over!

Orb Stagger

Cube Minigame

Memory Game

Counter Patterns

Counter #1

Counter #2

Counter #3


  1. Brelshaza shoots out yellow waves that explode.


  1. Avoid standing on the aftereffect of the wave, as it will knock you down.
  2. She will perform a Front-Back-Front wave attack.
  3. Counter is possible on the last front attack.


  1. Teleports and spawns an explosion around her.
  2. This pattern can be countered after the teleport in the 2nd half of the fight.


  1. Either dodge into a safe spot or counter.


  1. The boss surrounds herself in shiny glass shards, then starts levitating and charges!


  1. She will knock you down if you're caught in her path.
  2. Avoid the purple AoE circles forming behind her.
  3. Can be countered in the 2nd half of the fight.

Notable Patterns

Explosive Trap


Knives/Red/Blue Tether

Drawing Shapes





  1. Circular spheres descend from above the players.


  1. Once the circles have formed on the ground, they will explode shortly after.
  2. Simply avoid the AoE areas.


  1. Blue cones are generated around the boss, facing outwards.


  1. Simply dodge.
  2. This mechanic will repeat twice and three times during the second half of the fight.
  3. Getting hit will imprison the player.
  4. Teammates need to break you free.


  1. Brelshaza channels red waves from her body, initiating: Knives & Red Tether attack.
  2. Brelshaza channels multicolor waves from her body, initiating: Red & Blue Tether attack.


  1. Knives & Red Tether
    • Knives spread out
    • Red Tether stick together
  2. Red & Blue Tether
    • Red Tether stick together
    • Blue Tether spread out and break the bond

Knives & Red Tether

Red & Blue Tether


  1. The boss burns skid marks onto the ground, creating multiple shapes that will explode after a while.


  1. Avoid standing in areas that have made a shape pattern below you.


  1. Bright yellow star shaped objects appear on the ground.


  1. Do not look into them when they explode. Treat them as a medusa pattern.
  2. Looking into them will inflict a debuff on you.
  3. Whenever you cast more than 5 skills within this debuffs duration, you will get silenced.


  1. The boss draws in black shards in front of her, forming a spherical object.


  1. Everyone will get knocked down during this.
  2. You can react to this attack by using a Push Immunity skill.
  3. If you got knocked, use your get-up ability and dash to one of the safe zones.
  4. Once the explosion happens, you're free to attack again.


  1. Two massive red AoE zones get created in front and back of her.


  1. Stand in the narrow safe spot.
  2. Front explodes from Right to Left.
  3. Back explodes from Left to Right.
  4. It is safe to DPS once the explosions have happened.

Notable Patterns 2



Green AoE

Meteor Barrage

Exploding Lines




  1. The boss steps backwards and performs a frontal stab, then repeats it.


  1. Avoid this by going to the side or the back of the boss.
  2. The second half of the fight will transform these lasers into spheres that fly out of a location and split in two.


  1. An energy pulse will emerge from the boss and stay put in the outer ring.


  1. Walls will form where the outer ring stopped.
  2. You can choose to spacebar through this wall or stay inside and dodge regular boss patterns.


  1. Random party members will get surrounded by a green AoE field.


  1. These players should spread out and avoid overlapping each other.
  2. Wait until the attack explodes and then return to the fight.
  3. Other players caught inside this field will take massive damage from an explosion.


  1. Meteors spawn on both sides of the boss and fly towards her.


  1. Avoid these by standing between them.


  1. Brelshaza summons multiple bright lines around herself.


  1. Find a safe spot quickly and avoid getting hit.
  2. Players will get knocked up if caught.


  1. Purple spheres with large AoE fields will be present on the arena.


  1. These orbs aggro the person that is attacking them.
  2. You can use this to kite them to the edge of the room and kill them.
  3. This will trigger an explosion that you should dodge.


  1. The boss prepares to shoot out multiple tentacle projectiles that are slowly growing in size.
  2. There might be gray circular areas around the boss during this.


  1. Stand in the areas where tentacles are not expanding.
  2. If gray AoE's are present, then avoid standing in them for a prolonged period of time.
  3. Doing so will petrify your character for a few seconds.

Notable Patterns 3



Shard Rain

Find Safe Spot


Laser Beams


  1. White aura radiates from Brelshaza and her hands start glowing white.


  1. Perform the typing test.
  2. Break free your teammates from imprisonment.


  1. Many large AoE mines are created.


  1. These explode pretty quickly and deal alot of damage.


  1. Lots of diamond shapes above her head start spinning and shooting out shards.


  1. Find a safe spot and avoid them.


  1. Brelshaza surrounds herself in a crystallized shield and charges towards a player.


  1. Two green protective domes will be generated.
  2. Players must stand in them or avoid the attack by running out of the red telegraph.
  3. After the explosion, move away from the spot as there will be line attacks dealing high damage.


  1. Brelshaza shows 3-4 slices in a sequence around herself.


  1. Remember the sequence and run to those locations in order.
  2. Does high damage if done incorrectly.


  1. Spiny golden wheels shoot lasers down on the arena.


  1. Generally a weak attack that can be ignored.
  2. Easy to dodge.


Written byChoilicious
Reviewed byPerciculum

Brelshaza Gate 5 OLD Legion Raid Guide - Lost Ark (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.