Gutfeld! : FOXNEWSW : November 22, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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struggles to think on her feet. in the philippines she kept it real simple. >> hello. hello. thank you. hello. hello. thank you. >> laura: that was pretty good. have a good thanksgiving. >> ♪ ♪ >> [cheers and applause]. >> ♪ ♪ >> greg: all right! >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: happy tuesday, everybody. it's great to see every one ever you except for you over there. protestors attacked expensive pieces of art. no, i am not talking about my quads, though they are pricey and worth it. this time it's an andy war holin

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italy. on friday the freaks threw flour on a sports car painted by the pop artist in 1979. the italian police formed it into a pizza crust. this is a trend of young psychotics vandalizing art with food or paint. such actions might include pollack. the one piece of art they don't throw soup on is this one. it's redundant. every time we report on they get angry. i am 5 foot 5 so what other kind of angry i can get. the point is to get suckers like

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me to report on their cause. let's ignore the cause. >> [applauding]. >> greg: i don't know what it is. let's focus on the freaks who destroy their cause with each stunt. they win over no one. every painting they attack, i will eat another cow! hell, i might even push one out of my coal powerediet. -- jet. the sound they make when they land. the big story is not just gender that is no longer binary it's sanity. those people are certify able. they are sad and gross. if they didn't throw corn chowder on mona lisa's [bleep]

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they would have no lives at all. in the old days they would put in cells with padded walls. kat knows what i am talking about. now they are not even bum rushed by security. you would think the guards were not protected a warhol, but this. i could draw a pinkie. you wonder if these are not inside jobs. who lets people into a gallery carrying containers of flour or paint cans. if you see a bunch of nose ring green hairs carrying soup or paint, you can bet they are not there to smile back at the mona lisa. insanity used to be easily

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defined. now that's called passionate. charles manson and his family were passionate. we would say that's one point of view. relax while men in white coats chase you with a giant butterfly nets. now it's they are so dedicated let's hear them out. smearing poop on the walls. or maybe getting ready to host jesse watters prime-time. we are at the mercy of scammers and mentally dagged people. they are isolated souls with no real sense of the world. -- joe biden agreed to play $1 billion to poor nations for damage caused by the west's

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fossil fuel use. let's apologize for raising the standard of living. sorry for the engine and sewage treatment plans and electricity. here's a couple of billion dollars while you burn things far worse than coal. the biggest emiter doesn't have to pay a dime. it's communist china. still considered a developing nation. that's like calling dolly parton a developing female. china is smarter than us. they don't buy into this progressive [bleep]. they don't see sex as nonbinary. they see the world as binary as the computer technology they

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steal from us. they see the world as ones and zeros. they are the one and everybody else is zero. it's the elimination of standards. the destruction of beauty. art or own body. it's like our society is experiencing a mental illness as a whole. before if someone could not participate in civilized life we will get them help. now we can't say who is mentally ill which might be the new definition of crazy. most of this comes out of ticket. tiktok. who knows that? china -- giving the west what they can't resist. attention. >> [cheers and applause]. let's welcome tonight's guests. she left the sidelines but dumps gatorade on people for fun.

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mitchell. oo michelle. and jimmy. >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: he made sure his kids have 2 thanksgiving. jamie. >> [cheers and applause]. greg use your elbows to carve your turkey. fox news contributor kat timpf. >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: michelle, we do these stories about the crazy people. i think the bigger story is we don't call them crazy. >> these people remind me of the people i saw on campus at berkeley when you and i were

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both there. there were a lot of passionate people there as well. when you do stupid stuff, you look stupid and no one takes you seriously. when no one takes you seriously, you don't gain their ally ship. in fact you lose people. as for this climate reparations. the u.n. is the most useless body on the planet. >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: you are saying that in front of jimmy. >> i didn't say that, jimmy. he did. think about the u.n. security council, 2 permanent bes are china and the russian federation. ask yourself what is the u.n.? i went on the u.n. website and one headline was u.n. stability

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signs. it's insane. these reparations are stupid. who will decide how much and which country who did what? which scientist will determine which climate change led to this? it's massive virtue signals. >> greg: and no science behind it. >> i hate the u.n. >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: it's more dangerous to say i love the u.n. jamie, good it see you. you look like you have not slept in a while. >> that's what i am going for. we have 2 thanksgiving since the divorce. my wife is be grateful she doesn't have to look at my face anymore. >> [laughing]. >> these activity activists are

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entertaining. i don't relate. glue me to the sidewalk so i don't have to go to the art museum. this was like a joke given to us. the name of the activist group is last generation -- no one is banging these girls. >> greg: [laughing]. it is true. what kills me they could be attractive. they hate all standards of beauty. it happened before. we like symmetry and we like paintings and they hate that. >> and also throwing the food on the car. iffandy warhol put flour on the

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car, people would have liked it. how can i get money for this when i did it when i was 3? >> greg: it's hard to destroy stuff. like your shirt. >> i look like a stripper who gets paid in stuffing. >> greg: you put the dowdy in howdy dowdy. i came up with that in the greenroom. it's a poop joke that is clean. >> that's so unlike you. >> it was nice to see a painter covered in white powered beside hunter biden. >> [laughing]. >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: there you go. they are doing this this an art museum where everybody in the museum agrees with them. nothing more left wing than the art museum. you are flouring the choir.

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the majors in art history. like protesting the pro-life movement and no one is banging those chicks either. there you go. >> pro-choice. >> you got me. >> greg: it was in between. they are protesting something that everybody agrees with. kat, if people time traveled from the year 2000 you would be freaked out by now. we have people destroying art. we have mobs stealing and never getting punished for it. men who identify as women attacking women. what is going on here? they could all be under the same umbrella. we allowed ourselves to abidate the definition of sanity.

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what say you lady in white? >> there has been a lot of misguided, shaming and slamming of unstable behavior. it's not always bad. it can be effective. >> greg: in what way? >> come on, live a little! the main issue with the kids are unstable. it's not. it didn't work. there was an article. here's a list of all of the things climate artists are trying to destroy this year. one guy broke up with me a lot. he had me blocked on all of the things. there was my secret account. i found out he was performing. i showed up looking super hot. was that stable? did he call me the next day? yes. we got back together.

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that was effective. when biden did it was not like i did because of the hipster soup kids. this is not effective. >> greg: why is biden doing it? >> the same reason he does everybody: something told him to. >> [cheers and applause]. >> [laughing]. >> greg: good answer. make it sound like i said that. they just change the voice. it's great. i get all of the best yokes. sorry guys. up next the media drops their delusion that hunter's laptop is russian collusion.

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>> greg: welcome back. including you jamie.

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i bet you miss hearing that. >> [laughing]. >> oh, man! >> greg: what is wrong with me? you look more like sam harris every day. enough of this banter. 2 years after biden won, cbs's laptop report is done am it took that long to admit the truth. the "new york post" broke the hunter biden laptop story cbs confirmed it's real in a bombshell report yesterday. 2 years later just like hunter biden's child support. roll it. >> the laptop data we had analyzed showed no evidence it was faked or tampered with. >> you are confident this is hunter biden's data and it's real? >> yes.

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>> greg: i give you guys credit. once you get ahold of a story you are relentless. i wonder if you are helping o.j. search for the real killer. get on top of that. please go on cbs news. >> both digital forensic experts recovered images of credit cards and driver's license. >> the sheer volume it would be difficult if not impossible to fabricate. >> greg: there was so much of hunter's dna 3 of the investigators got pregnant and they were men. what is so funny? that is can happen now. cbs news is reporting what you already knew to be true for more than 2 years. the media had an election to

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protect. good for cbs. i look forward to them covering the assassination of lincoln. they consider booth a person of interest. jimmy, doesn't this want to make you pull out what is left of your hair? >> i know. >> greg: your head is getting bigger. >> yes. it hasn't been this big since the day i was born. i am sure this is where my dad left. >> greg: there are reasons for that i won't get into it. it's crazy. it's amazing it took them 2 years to complete an investigation but 2 days to complete a twitter boycott. cbs stands for complete [bleep]. i didn't see that one coming. the only reason anyone is reporting on this is because

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republicans won the house. this story will be vetted. it will see the light of day. they would have put distance between themselves and the election and now. they look very bad for knowingly covering it up. they didn't authent icate this on new information. there is it no new information. he is not hunter biden getting this money if his dad is not the vice-president of the united states. >> [cheers and applause]. >> no one is sitting on the board of a power company you when -- you know what they need on the board. a drug addict that is flaking. they would have called me and kat. >> thank. >> greg: kat, why did it take cbs news so long? do you have an analogy? >> i don't think it did take

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them that long. good for them for coming out with it now. i guess. if i am in trouble i want them to be the ones investigating the case. if that's how investigations into the past go. i could run for office after all. >> [laughing]. >> everybody knew. even hunter never said that's not mine. he said i don't know. if you look at the contents of the laptop sounds like whoever owned it would say. >> greg: he only says that's not mine talking about the babies. >> that's true. >> greg: do you think joe has seen his grandson? >> i don't think he knows about it. i don't know why. how could you not have time to pick it up especially smoking that much crack? >> greg: yes, the meth would keep you up. i can't wait to pick up that

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laptop i am so high. >> you are awake for 90 hours. go pick it up. >> greg: exactly. >> and get more crack. >> greg: there are only so many whor*s you can bang hunter. pick up your laptop. just did one errand. one errand away from being super rich. jamie, how was the alaska press handling this story. >> [laughing]. >> we are just about to get one. we are getting a press. if we turned in hunter biden's pillow case he would solve 3 cold cases. he thought they could not get into the rapt because it had facial recognition so anyone with a crack pipe in their mouth could open it -- i think he is

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a regular guy. when he goes into the back yard he takes his pants off one leg at a time like the rest of us. >> [laughing]. greg michelle? >> i think they got scooped on this one. were the guys in minneapolis just now free to analyze this laptop? this is so not about hunter. it's more about joe the big guy and all of this stuff that seems so provable. the way he treats china, joe biden, leads me to believe there may be -- he may be compromised. he is so easy on them. the latest u.n. thing. we will all give $1 billion to

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those countries but china doesn't have to because they are still developing. what in the hell? greg biden thinks china is something that jill puts out when company is coming over. >> that's a good point. >> greg: i don't think i have ever seen cbs so careful about a story. they did "60 minutes" about preparing to attack somebody. it's not like let's be really careful. let's wait behind the garage door and jump on them. >> and lesley stahl sat down with trump. she said it can't be verified. that was 2 years ago. >> greg: dan rather must be spinning in his grave. i got it, i got it. >> [laughing].

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>> greg: i won't do a correction. >> [laughing]. >> he's not dead. >> greg: up next a fashion ad that looks like grooming has parents fuming. my husband and i have never been more active. shingles doesn't care. i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care.

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it's parents worst fear. teddy bears in bondage gear. this is the weirdest store. a fashion brand caused controversy for using kids in ads with stuffed animals in s& m attire. the teddy bears which are hand bagings have harnesses and cusp and thongs. i have not seen that much luggage since karl rove's

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luggage fell from the overhead bin. talk about a secret life. the ad campaign angered anyone who thinks young children should hold toys from a sex shop. this is so weird. the ad shows a document featuring a court case that struck down part of a child born law that said that virtual child p*rn is protected speech. it's like they are trying to tell us something. what could it be. hours ago the company said sorry on their instagram. they are taking legal action for parties responsible for unapproved items. no company allows an ad it go

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f forward without combing over it. there is a time and place for inappropriate material. it's called fox and friends. thank god it's on before i get up. jamie, you are a parent to children who hate you. when you read this, what did you make of this. this is a perfect fox news story. fashion product puts leather goods with children. it sounds like it was made up in the dreams. >> my kids only hate me half the time. >> greg: [laughing]. >> this is crazy. if you zoom in really, really close on this ad, you are a pedophile. >> [laughing]. >> who found that? >> somebody on twitter. we verified.

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what if it's not true. this company is saying we didn't know this was there. i would worked in magazines ump look at every ad. you know what is going in. i think they probably didn't look at this, the paper work but looked at the teddy bears. with the children. >> right. i went on their website. this place is the most expensive place. there was a fanny pack for $800. i would not buy a fanny pack for $800 if it had a picture of me with hunter biden smoking crack. they had a pair of walking shoes. that's the minimum requirement for all shoes. >> [laughing]. >> greg: i have to ask you if

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you have one more? >> i have one less. >> [laughing]. i gave it up a joke ago. >> greg: kat, this reminded me of the high school teacher with the giant fake breasts. like a stunt. what is going on? >> that's what i am trying to figure out. okay, i see it. not cool. how did it happen? first to have this idea. and then a good one. i will share this in the marketing meeting. was the person joking and everyone said that is great? i want them to find out, this photo shoot is missing one thing. who is that person?

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. >> greg: they will say the stylest did this. i have done hundreds of photo shoots. i won't get into my past but i am not proud. >> you have to be familiar with child p*rn loop hole laws. >> greg: exactly. i never heard of this stuff. >> maybe they were looking for the loopholes they could use to create the ad and accidentally left the document in the ad. maybe they researching and it got stuck in the ad. >> greg: again, they have somebody in charge that looks at this. probably thought it was generic paper. >> why would you do that? >> it's so disturbing. is this one of those cases where any publicity is good publicity. clearly the back lash has been

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so harsh, they had to apologize. they wiped the instagram clean like hillary. i went on the website and looked for something i could afford. there was nothing. not that i would want to after t this. >> i am buying my teddy bear dominaterix stuff from somewhere else. >> greg: i am boycotting this one. getting my leathers from karl rove. what is your instinct? >> i would say they better be careful. if they sexualize children the democrats will make them teach kindergarten. >> greg: there you go. stick with me. i did modelling in my youth. i was a before model. what i am amazed at, when it comes to a fashion shoot, they

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hyper-edit that fashion shoot. you talk about the amount of crafting and lighting and editing, they will photo shop out a mole but didn't photo shop out the child in bondage? or the paperwork that involves pedophilia. it's a weird time to be a kid. the sexualization in school and now this with the sponge bob no pants. you go to the white house and meet the president don't tickle me elmo. it's a bad time to be a kid. >> that's why i stopped pretending to be one. not worth it to get discount on food and clothing. where i am? that story blows my mind. i think there is more to it. we will be bored and move on. coming up enjoy your post-turkey

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(brent) people love subaru just because it stands for much more than just a car. (vo) through the share the love event, subaru retailers have supported over seventeen hundred hometown charities. (phil) have i witnessed and seen the impact of what we do? you bet i have. (kathryn) we have worked with so many amazing causes and made a difference. (vo) by the end of this year, subaru and our retailers will have donated over two hundred and fifty million dollars to charity. (brent) it's about more than just selling cars.

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(phil) the subaru share the love event going on now. >> greg: welcome back. they have a nasty attitude about our day of gratitude. the "washington post" editor is catching flack for climate change. never mind the wide open southern border. the real problem are the yams that make aunt fart. go in the other room. that's what i do. they are listing common thanksgiving dinner foods based on their harm to the environment ignoring the harm the liberals to an environment of enjoying a family meal. turkey is still approved.

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but the best is oysters. yum! slimes down your throat like a giant buggar. they have the lightest climate impact of any fish. just one day after claiming he quit twitter because trump was reinstated. an actor tweeted about the evils of thanksgiving. his exit lasted 24 hours which is longer than his movies remain in theaters. he tweeted happy indiginous survivors day. f-thanksgiving. there is one thing we can be grateful for. none of us are john. for a guy who hates thanksgiving he act in a lot of turkeys. >> there it is. >> greg: kat, pretty good.

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you like that? >> [laughing]. >> you like it? >> [laughing]. >> yeah. >> what kind of mind decides to put out an article like this. the same person doing the same thing before christmas or thanksgiving. whatever brings people together. no we need more disunity. >> it brings people together. i will say something which might be a risk on fox. i think some of you might agree with me. i will just say it. on thanksgiving, i am not necessarily actively celebrating pilgrims either. >> greg: yeah, yeah. >> i think he is over-estimating how many people are thinking about pilgrims all day. i am just chilling. most people are just chilling.

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expect for him. >> greg: exactly. >> i don't wake up like it's pilgrim day. >> greg: yes, i want stuffing! >> maybe the fox and friends people do. >> greg: they are sick people. we pray for the fox and friends cast every morning. >> that's kind of you. >> greg: we don't thank, we pray. what do you do on thanksgiving? >> i eat and drink and watch football all day long. now that i don't work on it anymore. they were measuring like climate damage percalorie sore -- or something. it was so dumb. everybody needs a battle to fight. we had to hunt and gather and then came stores.

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so now what can i fight? i will fight climate change and ruin your turkey dinner. and john -- >> greg: a lot of us pronounce it. >> [laughing]. >> what he overlooks and so many people do this is a holiday about thanking for what we have. and a lot of people give stuff on thanksgiving to people less fortunate to them. giving out turkeys and being kind to people. >> greg: what is that like? >> to say f-thanksgiving, i don't know what to say. >> greg: jamie do, they have thanksgiving in alaska? >> yes, we just have nothing to

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be thankful for and sit quietly around the table. it's a funeral. >> greg: just stuff a giant igloo? >> this giant [bleep] is like -- am i saying it right? >> yes. >> he is ruining our holidays calling them different stuff. will he call christmas you buy this [bleep] and pretend some old guy bought it for them. and my anniversary and old guy. he said paccino should not have been in scar-face. the next motive movie coming

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out it's call menu and he is playing a movie star. i swear to god. >> greg: he is not a movie star. >> he is not. >> i don't know who this person is. >> he does a lot of animated voices. >> greg: that's what happens when you lose your looks. you know what i mean, jamie. >> [laughing]. >> i would love to imply i ever had them. the climate thing if someone is consciously responding to this article and say we are serving a climate conscience meal this thanksgiving. show up with 2 bottles of trump wine. >> greg: up next a clean up crew from japan wins their country brand new fans.

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>> [cheers and applause]. vo: it's a new day. because covid vaccines just got a big update. just in time for everyone who works. with other people. just in time for... ...more togetherness. just in time to say “oh, you bet we'll be there!” because the updated vaccines can now protect against both the original covid virus and omicron. and that's a moment... we've all been waiting for.

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8:52 pm

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we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ >> story in 5 words this is the japanese thing. jamie, japanese world cup fan, stayed after the opening game to pick up garbage.

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i'm going to go ahead and be race s here and say they are . >> i think this is 1erful and that's why i'm petitioning the next world cup to be in my son's bedroom. >> cat, i was in japan, and i saw people walking up the street on the way towork, picking up other peoples trash. they didn't eben think bot it. ho is that ingrained in peoples heads? >> i've never been to japan, so. >> you're the worst guest. i've never been to japan none i'm the worst guest, what does that same say about you? i'm still here, coming back. >> yeah, i mean, good for them. you lean try to ingrain something into somebody like some people are just messy disgusting slobs like me. >> that your answer? >> i guess. you asked me to comment as a

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visitor of japan, which i've never been to but i'm happy you went on such a nice vacation. >> i'm just trying to understand cultural differences. >> i actually think this is the most passive aggressive thing in the world. they're guest in qatar's stadium. aim image monday comes over and start dusting and changing the curtains. >> is that not normal? it's kind of insulting, i think. >> or it's i've covered two olympics en japan, tokyo and -- and they are the most gracious lovely people. they send you off at the airport when you let leave. none of this surprises me. >> the only time this would happen in america is if it satisfied yor hours of community service. >> i'm dusting yor -- >> they don't clean, even our climate rallies. that's the biggest joke in the world, trash for days in our climate rallies but enough about

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the people. the people. >> don't go away, we'll be right back. plus extended-release b-vitamins. wake up feeling refreshed. pure zzzs. sleep better. wake up your best.

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>> out of time. jamie, jimmy, cat, our studio audience. fox news tonight is on next. i'm greg gutfell and i love you mare. >> thank you, greg, good evening every anyone welcome to america's late news fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. ♪ ♪ >> breaking tonight, the first look into the home where four idaho university students were brutally stabbed to death, and there are new claims that one of the victims may have had a stalker. expert analysis moments away from former fbi agenten jame

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Greg Gutfeld examines the news of the day through a satiric lens fused with pop culture.

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Gutfeld! : FOXNEWSW : November 22, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.