HR English words - List of essential English terms for Human Resources (2024)

As someone seeking to thrive in the corporate world, it’s likely you’ve been bombarded with your fair share of business jargon, abbreviations, and acronyms.

Moreover, you’re also expected to successfully navigate the technical language of your specific department or industry.

One field of expertise with its own vocabulary is the division of human resources (HR). There are hundreds of HR words and HR terminology that professionals in this sector use to communicate effectively with their colleagues and successfully perform their work duties.

If learning all of these new terms for human resources seems like a daunting task, check out the HR words list below to get started!

HR English words - List of essential English terms for Human Resources (1)

Top HR English words and phrases

1. Absenteeism

  • Definition: A regular pattern of unplanned and unjustified absences from work in which employees neglect their job responsibilities
  • Example: “When the organization began to implement initiatives to increase employee engagement in the workplace, they noticed that the absenteeism rate decreased dramatically.”

2. Applicant v. Candidate

  • Definition: An applicant is an individual who has applied for a job; a candidate is an individual who has been screened in the application process and selected to compete for the position
  • Example: “There were 55 applicants who submitted their resumes to the hiring manager, but she only chose 3 candidates to interview.”

3. Attrition

  • Definition: The willing departure of workers (e.g., retiring) from an organization in which their positions are left unfilled
  • Example: “If attrition is high, then HR personnel should make sure that employees who leave pass on their knowledge to the remaining workforce.”

4. Benefits

  • Definition: The various types of payment—beyond salary or wages—provided to workers for the duties throughout their employment at a company (e.g., health insurance, childcare, wellness programs)
  • Example: “Instead of asking for a raise after landing a major client, Rebecca requested an additional employee benefit: student loan assistance.”

5. Compensation / Pay

  • Definition: Any form of payment given to employees for the work they perform throughout their employment at an organization; often called “remuneration” outside of the U.S. and Canada
  • Example: “Abdul’s company provided him with an impressive compensation package that included a high income, pension pay, health insurance, and stock options.”

6. Compulsory / Mandatory / Obligatory

  • Definition: Required by law, rule, or regulation
  • Example: “In most countries, it’s compulsory for businesses and employees to pay income tax on the money they earn, but it’s not mandatory for citizens in certain nations, like Kuwait.”

7. Confidentiality

  • Definition: The state of keeping information private and not sharing it with anyone who isn’t granted access
  • Example: “If employees breach a confidentiality agreement and share personal information about their clients with the public, they will be held accountable.”

8. Credentials / Qualifications

  • Definition: Experiences, achievements, certifications, degrees, attributes, or other aspects of an individual’s background that make them fit for a job
  • Example: “I thought the applicant’s academic credentials were impressive, but he was lacking in professional qualifications as he has had very little experience in the real world.”

9. Demote v. Promote

  • Definition: To demote is to lower the rank of an employee, typically as punishment; to promote is to advance an employee to a higher position, usually based on quality work performance
  • Example: “Anna will be demoted from head waiter to regular server because she kept taking excessive breaks, whereas Tony will be promoted from cook to executive chef for his innovative ideas in the kitchen.”

10. Discrimination

  • Definition: The act of treating people unfairly based on a certain characteristic they possess (e.g., age, gender, race, sex, religion, nationality)
  • Example: “It’s important to set ground rules for employees that oppose discrimination of any kind and address biases against various groups of people.”

11. Dismiss / fire / sack

  • Definition: To end the employment of a worker without their agreement; dismiss and fire are more formal terms, whereas sack is an informal expression
  • Example: “My boss had to dismiss our team leader last week for poor conduct. In my opinion, he should have been sacked a long time ago, but my boss hates firing people.”

12. Employ / Hire

  • Definition: To give someone a job and pay them for their work
  • Example: “After employing or hiring new workers, they should be put on the payroll, enrolled in benefits, and complete the onboarding process.”

13. Flexible workplace / Workplace flexibility

  • Definition: When employers give their employees non-traditional work options based on location, schedule, job duties, etc.
  • Example: “We are going to start implementing a flexible workplace in which we’ll offer employees more opportunities to work from home through remote and hybrid work models.”

14. Full-time v. Part-time

  • Definition: Full-time employment usually corresponds to consistently working 30-40 hours per week, and part-time employment typically correlates to working less than 30 hours a week; however, these distinctions depend on company policies and government laws
  • Example: “Mark has a full-time job in which he works 40 hours a week and is afforded more benefits; his brother has a part-time position in which he only works 20 hours a week but enjoys a better work-life balance.”

15. Harassment

  • Definition: Offensive, belittling, abusive, or threatening behavior directed at an individual or group of people (e.g., name calling, physical assault)
  • Example: “The supervisor had to fire two employees for workplace harassment and misconduct when they bullied another worker because of her hijab.”

16. Hard skills v. Soft skills

  • Definition: Hard skills are technical capabilities that are easy to teach and measure; soft skills are personal attributes that impact how someone works and how someone interacts with others
  • Example: “This candidate has a solid balance of hard skills and soft skills: she is extremely competent in data analysis and also has high emotional intelligence.”

17. Holiday v. Vacation

  • Definition: In American English, a holiday is an authorized day off of work to commemorate a special occasion (e.g., Christmas), but a vacation is extended time away from work for personal reasons (e.g., a trip). In British English, holiday is used to refer to both of these instances.
  • Example: “Last week, I had Monday off because it was a public holiday, and in one month, I’m going on vacation to Mexico!”

18. Incentives

  • Definition: Various forms of compensation given to employees for high performance or the accomplishment of a set goal
  • Example: “There are many incentives employers can offer their staff to encourage them to perform their best: monetary bonuses, extra paid time off, gifts, etc.”

HR English words - List of essential English terms for Human Resources (2)

19. Job description v. Job specification

  • Definition: A job description provides the title, location, purpose, and duties of the position; a job specification details the credentials, experience, skills, education, and training required to execute work assignments
  • Example: “The job description stated that the position would be demanding and require quickly editing online articles; the job specification made clear that the candidate should have a B.A. in English and be ethical, punctual, and autonomous.”

20. Outsource

  • Definition: To hire workers or companies outside your organization to perform services or produce goods for your firm
  • Example: “A large corporation might outsource the manufacturing of certain parts or products to third-party suppliers because it’s cheaper than doing it in-house.”

21. Performance appraisal / review

  • Definition: The evaluation and documentation of an employee’s ability to effectively perform their work duties and contribute to the company
  • Example: “A systematic approach to performance appraisals means having a conceptual framework to guide your reviews and ensure equality.”

22. Recruitment

  • Definition: The process of searching for, identifying, screening, interviewing, and hiring job applicants to fill open positions within an organization
  • Example: “The corporation tried to improve their recruitment efforts by fostering an inclusive company culture and enhancing employee appreciation.”

23. Retention

  • Definition: The ability to keep workers employed at an organization and prevent them from leaving their jobs
  • Example: “Our HR team plans to launch an employee retention strategy that involves implementing a mentorship program.”

24. Retirement

  • Definition: The act of leaving one’s job to permanently stop working, often occurring when employees are older and able to live with the money they’ve saved up over their working life
  • Example: “Some organizations offer early retirement packages to long-time employees when they want to reduce the workforce or hire someone new.”

25. Salary

  • Definition: The fixed amount of money consistently paid to employees in exchange for their work, most often expressed as an annual figure and delivered monthly
  • Example: “The salary range I requested in my job application for the content marketing position was between $70,000 and $85,000 a year.”

26. Training

  • Definition: A predetermined set of activities, classes, or other initiatives aimed at developing the specific knowledge and abilities that employees must possess to successfully execute their work responsibilities
  • Example: “Many HR managers engage their workers in on-the-job training that’s carried out in the workplace to help them grow their expertise.”

27. Turnover

  • Definition: When employees willingly or unwillingly leave an organization, and the company must find new employees to work in those roles
  • Example: “If a firm’s turnover rate is high, then hiring managers must determine if they’re selecting the right candidates.”

28. Wage

  • Definition: The set amount of money that is regularly paid to workers based on the time they spend working, most often determined as an hourly rate and delivered weekly
  • Example: “Starting on December 31, 2022, the minimum wage for workers in New York will be $14.20 an hour.”

29. Work shifts

  • Definition: Set periods in which distinct groups of employees are scheduled to perform their work duties (e.g., first shift, second shift, third shift, fixed shift, split shift, rotating shifts, on-call shifts, 2-3-2 shifts)
  • Example: Most people prefer work shifts that are during the day, but I enjoy the graveyard shift from midnight to 8:00 am because I get paid a higher wage.

30. Apply for a job / position

  • Definition: To request employment with a company or institution for a specific occupation by submitting the required information and documents (e.g., application form, resume, cover letter, work samples, references)
  • Example: “You should apply for a position as a freelance graphic designer at a large publishing company; the industry has had a shortage of qualified workers recently.”

31. Be on leave / Take leave

  • Definition: To be absent from work for some time with permission from an employer due to various circ*mstances (e.g., childbirth, personal time, illness, death of a family member); the amount of authorized time off and whether employees are paid depends on company policies and labor laws
  • Example: “Maria had a baby a few days ago, so she is on maternity leave now; Sam took leave last month when his father passed away.”

32. Cut [something] / Cut down on [something]

  • Definition: To reduce or lessen the amount of something
  • Example: “The company needs to improve cash flow, so the CEO held a briefing with senior leadership about the need to cut down on costs across all departments.”

33. Fill a vacancy

  • Definition: To hire someone for an unoccupied position in a company; these jobs might be newly created, currently open, or soon-to-be empty
  • Example: “The CEO is hoping to fill the vacancy for the executive assistant post in his office as he is beginning to fall behind in his work.”

34. Give notice

  • Definition: To inform an employer of your intention to voluntarily leave your job by a specific date
  • Example: “As an HR director, you should set up an exit interview with any staff member who gives notice so you can learn about their employee experience and improve upon it.”

35. Renew / terminate a contract

  • Definition: To extend (renew) or end (terminate) a formal, signed agreement of employment outlining the rights and responsibilities of both the employees and employers (e.g., start date, work duties, employment duration, salary, benefits, office policies)
  • Example: “My manager doesn’t know whether she should terminate or renew the contract with her newest employee—he produces incredible work but always turns it in late.”

36. Resign from a job

  • Definition: When workers terminate their employment contracts and leave their jobs by choice
  • Example: “Typically, severance pay isn’t obligatory if you resign from your job because that type of compensation is for employees who are unwillingly dismissed or laid off.”

37. Work overtime

  • Definition: To labor beyond normal working hours
  • Example: “Anthony recorded how many hours he worked overtime on his timesheet so he could be paid the right amount.”

HR English words - List of essential English terms for Human Resources (3)

Final words

Mastering a long list of HR terms and definitions is no easy feat. Not only are there specialized words and phrases to memorize, but there are also HR acronyms and abbreviations to learn. Exploring an HR terms glossary and other online resources is a great place to begin, but there’s more you can do.

If you’re interested in taking a step further to learn business English, consider registering your work team for corporate English training with Preply Business or take a business English course.

In this way, you can benefit from personalized 1-on-1 human resources business English courses with expert tutors who can help you put new HR words into action through authentic business conversations and continue expanding your HR vocabulary. This will grow your competency and your confidence as an HR manager!

HR English words - List of essential English terms for Human Resources (2024)


HR English words - List of essential English terms for Human Resources? ›

Words that trigger negative emotions – These would include words such as “accused”, “aggravated”, “blamed”, “unimportant”, “unhappy”. Leadership IQ found that poorly-rated job candidates used 92% more of these words than highly-rated candidates.

What are HR trigger words? ›

Words that trigger negative emotions – These would include words such as “accused”, “aggravated”, “blamed”, “unimportant”, “unhappy”. Leadership IQ found that poorly-rated job candidates used 92% more of these words than highly-rated candidates.

What are the 10 C's of human resources? ›

Alan Price has pointed out in his book “Human Resource Management in a Business Context”, the top 10 benefits when it comes to HRM, the top 10 C's, namely, cost-effective, competitive, credibility, commitment, change, competitive advantage, communication, coherence, comprehensiveness, and creativity.

Which are most popularly used HR phrases? ›

The most commonly said phrases by a HR practitioner (and what we really mean…)
  • It depends… ...
  • It's whatever is reasonable for you. ...
  • We need to follow policies and procedures. ...
  • Well we are where we are now… ...
  • Don't worry we've heard it before. ...
  • There's no right or wrong. ...
  • There are a number of risks to consider.
Mar 27, 2019

What is the English word for HR? ›

Human Resources Vocabulary: Learn Basic Phrases And Terms.

How do you stand out in HR? ›

One way to stand out as an HR professional is to develop a niche or a specialization in a specific area of HR. For example, you could focus on talent acquisition, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, learning and development, or compensation and benefits.

What not to say when talking to HR? ›

What should you not say to HR?
  • The general rule is don't bring your everyday complaints to HR. They're not there to make your job better or easier and they might fire you simply because they don't want to hear it. ...
  • Discrimination. ...
  • Medical needs. ...
  • Pay issues. ...
  • Cooperate with HR if asked, but be smart about it.

What are the 5 P's of human resources? ›

The 5P's HR Model:

The 5P's HR Model focuses on five key components: Philosophy, Policies, Programs, Practices, and Performance. This model emphasizes the importance of having a clear HRM philosophy that aligns with the organization's goals and objectives.

What are the 8 R's of HR? ›

To effectively carry out this role, HR professionals follow a set of principles known as the “8 R's of HR.” These principles encompass various aspects of human resource management, including recruitment, retention, remuneration, recognition, role definition, re-skilling, reassignment, and reconciliation.

What are the 7 main functions of HR? ›

The role of human resource managers is to support management and management development in the organisation. Hiring, training, compensation, benefits, performance management, organisational design, succession planning, and retention management—all fall under the functions of HR manager.

What is an HR motto? ›

Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.” —Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group.

How to communicate with HR in English? ›

Human resources (HR) manager:

“Good morning [use their name if you know it]. My name is [your name].” “I'm calling to ask you about [your profession] work that might be available at [the organisation you are contacting].” “I have a lot of experience in [your industry] as a [your profession].”

What is the new word for HR? ›

The industry itself is rebranding HR name, role and purpose initiatives in line with “people operations,” the new name for HR. Recently we've seen a shift from titles like HR Manager to creative versions like Chief Happiness Officer and Head of Talent.

What is a fancy name for HR? ›

CHRO (Chief People Officer)

The CHRO, or Chief People Officer, is an organization's HR and culture leader. They are an executive team member known by other names such as Chief of Talent or Culture, or VP of HR.

Who is HR in simple words? ›

Human resources (HR) is the department within a business that is responsible for all things worker-related. That includes recruiting, vetting, selecting, hiring, onboarding, training, promoting, paying, and firing employees and independent contractors.

What is human resources in one word? ›

Human resources (HR) is the set of people who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector, industry, or economy. A narrower concept is human capital, the knowledge and skills which the individuals command. Similar terms include manpower, labor, labor-power, or personnel.

What are trigger words? ›

What Are Trigger Words? By definition, trigger words are specific phrases or words that trigger emotions in the reader or listener. They are often used in marketing and advertising to influence the target audience's behavior.

What prompts an HR investigation? ›

While many HR departments investigate every employee complaint, employers are legally mandated to investigate harassment, discrimination, retaliation, safety and certain other types of complaints.

What is a written warning from HR? ›

What Is a Written Warning? A written warning is used, by an employer and in the form of a document, to warn an employee of their actions in the workplace, general conduct, and the potential consequences if the employee does not remedy their behaviour (with regards to employment).

What not to say in an HR investigation? ›

From a practical standpoint, talking too much during the investigation—telling a witness what another witness said, revealing your personal opinion to one of the employees involved, or publicizing the complaint in the workplace, for example—can lead others to doubt your objectivity.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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