Money and Development Time (2024)

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    February 2023 edited February 2023 in General Discussion

    Just curious.

    How much money has Intrepid made over the past 6-years off of the monetization of a promise of a game? How much off of crowd funding, ads etc? Because I've seen that in the name of the actual IP, Ashes of Creation, donated a not insubstantial amount of money to charity over the last 2-3 years.

    I don't know. I could be wrong but if they're making a buttload of money without even having to release the game , maybe that's a reason for them to say "hell, these guys will let us get away with this for another decade if we tell them its for their benefit. We're making money... why shouldn't we drag our heels?"

    Just a thought that maybe you guys deserve a little more. There is no reason after 6 years a game should not be done. You say you are worried it will be crap. it will be broken. There won't be polish and on and on. Listen, there is going to be bugs and things that need ironing out no matter what. You cannot foresee every bad event that may happen.

    Six years. With what looks to be a release date of Q1 2025 if you are lucky. And that's what the game producers and developers will say. "If YOU are lucky you will get to buy our game."

    NO! Stop this. Stop enabling there horrible work ethic. In the ARMY we had to do things quick. Guess what else? We had to be extremely precise in all things. And you know what? Every job I've ever worked has been that way.

    What a concept
    Stop letting them get away with this crap. If it's not going to be released until 2025 or even mid to late 2024 don't buy it. Like with in all things, money speaks loudest.


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      Noaani Member, Intrepid Pack

      February 2023

      They aren't making all that much money - Steven just happens to have a lot of money.

      Money does indeed speak loudest. However, rather than asking Intrepid to release the game sooner, my money will be given to them if they release the best game possible - when ever it is released.

      You statement of being in the Army is interesting. Sure, people in the Army do things quickly, but only because others have spent literal decades working out how those things should be done, and then the people doing them need only do as they are told.


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      Kilion Member

      February 2023

      STOP_THE_ASH_MONEY wrote: »

      I don't know. I could be wrong but if they're making a buttload of money [...]

      The Kickstarter raised 3,2 M$ which a quick Google search would have told you.

      If someone would have bought every cosmetic in the shop from day 1 onwards, they would have spent something like 30-40k

      Now, looking at the 45M$ Steven has put in, mathematics indicate that there is no profit being made from Intrepids or Stevens side unless of course the dev team is scamming Steven out of his money.

      Not sure whether in the army shots would have been fired as accurate as a Star Wars Stormtrooper did.

      The answer is probably >>> HERE <<<


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      Blip Member

      February 2023

      Kilion wrote: »

      STOP_THE_ASH_MONEY wrote: »

      I don't know. I could be wrong but if they're making a buttload of money [...]

      The Kickstarter raised 3,2 M$ which a quick Google search would have told you.

      If someone would have bought every cosmetic in the shop from day 1 onwards, they would have spent something like 30-40k

      Now, looking at the 45M$ Steven has put in, mathematics indicate that there is no profit being made from Intrepids or Stevens side unless of course the dev team is scamming Steven out of his money.

      Not sure whether in the army shots would have been fired as accurate as a Star Wars Stormtrooper did.

      Dont forget the 5 000 000 mil Alpha 1 keys, 25 000 000 mil they made of Alpha 2 Keys alone, then there is the beta Keys and other packs. FOMO Cosmetics sold and so 4th. And i belive Steven put up 30 mil him self so yes hes gotten a ROI

    • Options

      NiKr Member

      February 2023

      Blip wrote: »

      And i belive Steven put up 30 mil him self so yes hes gotten a ROI

      30 was initial investment. He reupped that later. They probably earned roughly that amount back, but that doesn't matter, cause they've also been burning through money by constantly hiring people. Alpha2 release will most likely pay for another year or two of development, so game release in 25-26 would probably put them at 0 profit, but the release itself will most likely give them a huge inflow of cash.

      p.s. can't wait for Jahlons comments on the "army" part of the OP.


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      daveywavey Member

      February 2023

      Money and Development Time (8)

      This link may help you:


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      Kilion Member

      February 2023

      Blip wrote: »

      Kilion wrote: »

      STOP_THE_ASH_MONEY wrote: »

      I don't know. I could be wrong but if they're making a buttload of money [...]

      The Kickstarter raised 3,2 M$ which a quick Google search would have told you.

      If someone would have bought every cosmetic in the shop from day 1 onwards, they would have spent something like 30-40k

      Now, looking at the 45M$ Steven has put in, mathematics indicate that there is no profit being made from Intrepids or Stevens side unless of course the dev team is scamming Steven out of his money.

      Not sure whether in the army shots would have been fired as accurate as a Star Wars Stormtrooper did.

      Dont forget the 5 000 000 mil Alpha 1 keys, 25 000 000 mil they made of Alpha 2 Keys alone, then there is the beta Keys and other packs. FOMO Cosmetics sold and so 4th. And i belive Steven put up 30 mil him self so yes hes gotten a ROI

      +3,2M Kickstarter
      +5,0M (10k*500) Alpha 1
      +25M (100k*250) Alpha 2
      -45M (last official amount of skin in the game from Steven)


      Unless they have sold 80'000 Beta keys and Steven has not put forth more money in the past and the company has no debt it has indeed made a real profit, possibly for the first time in 2022. Now, all sales made after Alpha 1 where people came to regret them are essentially due to own negligence. At that point it has become abundantly clear that this will be taking MUCH more time to develop than initially anticipated from all sides. The risks had become clear, the criticism was numerous and publicly available.

      And once again I see the argument "The game should have been done by now.". Unless some of these people coming out with this statement step up and prove how their assessment is relevant by proving they have been part of the game dev industry and bringing forth actually legitimate comparisons, I'll just note these cries down in the same category as the esoteric gibberish of some healing crystal the-body-can-only-live-on-sunlight moron.

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      Talents Member, Intrepid Pack

      February 2023

      I know this is a bait post, but the

      There is no reason after 6 years a game should not be done

      is wrong. Tons of MMOs took more than 6 years. ESO took 7. Wildstar took 9. FF14 took way more than that if you include the revamp time from 1.0 > ARR. Throne and Liberty is planned to release this year after 12 years in development.

      Intrepid had 15-20 employees in 2017 when development properly started with some of those employees not even working on the game directly (e.g. community manager). They wanted 100 employees by the end of 2018 but didn't reach 100 employees until 2021. It's hard to look at development as properly starting because of how few employees they had until 2020.

      Money and Development Time (11)


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      Noaani Member, Intrepid Pack

      February 2023

      Talents wrote: »

      I know this is a bait post, but the

      There is no reason after 6 years a game should not be done

      is wrong. Tons of MMOs took more than 6 years. ESO took 7. Wildstar took 9. FF14 took way more than that if you include the revamp time from 1.0 > ARR. Throne and Liberty is planned to release this year after 12 years in development.

      Intrepid had 15-20 employees in 2017 when development properly started with some of those employees not even working on the game directly (e.g. community manager). They wanted 100 employees by the end of 2018 but didn't reach 100 employees until 2021. It's hard to look at development as properly starting because of how few employees they had until 2020.

      Honestly, I have to agree.

      I remember people making this argument back in very early 2020 - they thought the game had been in full development for 3 years by then, and so expected it later that year. I specifically remember pointing out them that the game still wasnt in full development at that point in time, so that person should expect a 2025 or 2026 release (some scope creep I have seen pushes that back to 2027 in my mind).

      Some people are just unrealistic.


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      Gui10 Member

      February 2023

      Also keep in mind this is a brand new studio, physically and businessly. So getting started on your first game takes a lot more preperation than if it was an experienced studio that already had teams, methods and structures to build something like this.

      The game is already funded fully to completion including a few years of uptime and xpacs with upwards of 30M (without Stevens own money, but from customers). It's great news actually. And it doesnt at all mean that we have to pressure the studio to release its game faster, quite the contrary.

      The fact that they are well funded means they can take the time they need to produce a great game, and are not constrained to release super early to make more sales in order to stay alive. Catch my drift?


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      Voxtrium Member

      February 2023 edited February 2023

      Nah, I want to buy their sh*t, I want to have the cosmetics they offer and I don't care if they release today or next year, as long as they release.
      I am prior as well... we both know the saying is "Hurry up and wait" so don't feed that line of BS to the civvies.

      Bottom line, let people spend their money how they want.


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      Liniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

      February 2023

      why are you worried about how people spend their money?

      Money and Development Time (16)

      Recrutamento aberto - Nosso Site: Clique aqui


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      Goalid Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

      February 2023

      They're making a lot of money from the packages. 100k A2 keys translates to $25 million, and we can assume their revenue is more than that given a portion of that are A1 keys, cosmetic sales, and Beta 1/2 purchases. And we haven't even hit the max hype for this game yet, when A2 is announced I can see the number of A2 keys sold being doubled.

      I'm not concerned with the amount of time they are taking. I think the reasonable concern is if is ending up like Star Citizen, where we are being sold a dream of a MMO in perpetual development and Intrepid can stay profitable without results over a long period of time. We will have more of an idea of that after seeing 2023 progress.

      I think the message we should all have for people at the moment is to temper their expectations. Let Intrepid focus on making progress while the community focuses on other games at the moment.

      Money and Development Time (18)


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      bloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      February 2023

      Glad you seem interested in saving Steven's wallet from Steven.

      All of what Talents said is true. Add to that when they had a major set back when the custom network code didn't perform as expected and they had a year long set back to redo a bunch of it.

      The idea the Army does things in a hurry is interesting. Some of them sure but those I worked with briefly had no idea of what effectiveness and hurry up meant. As Voxtrium said it is more like hurry up and wait.

      You seem to be in a massive rush for another rushed product. Take a breath and go read a book or two.

      Semper Fi

      Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.

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      WeGbored Member

      February 2023

      Let's be real- 100k people paying $250 for A2, a lot of them probably went ahead and got the $375 pack.

      That's another 10 mil.

      Things looking good.

      Streaming Alpha 2 everyday!

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      novercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter

      February 2023

      STOP_THE_ASH_MONEY wrote: »

      Just curious.

      How much money has Intrepid made over the past 6-years off of the monetization of a promise of a game? How much off of crowd funding, ads etc? Because I've seen that in the name of the actual IP, Ashes of Creation, donated a not insubstantial amount of money to charity over the last 2-3 years.

      I don't know. I could be wrong but if they're making a buttload of money without even having to release the game , maybe that's a reason for them to say "hell, these guys will let us get away with this for another decade if we tell them its for their benefit. We're making money... why shouldn't we drag our heels?"

      Just a thought that maybe you guys deserve a little more. There is no reason after 6 years a game should not be done. You say you are worried it will be crap. it will be broken. There won't be polish and on and on. Listen, there is going to be bugs and things that need ironing out no matter what. You cannot foresee every bad event that may happen.

      Six years. With what looks to be a release date of Q1 2025 if you are lucky. And that's what the game producers and developers will say. "If YOU are lucky you will get to buy our game."

      NO! Stop this. Stop enabling there horrible work ethic. In the ARMY we had to do things quick. Guess what else? We had to be extremely precise in all things. And you know what? Every job I've ever worked has been that way.

      What a concept
      Stop letting them get away with this crap. If it's not going to be released until 2025 or even mid to late 2024 don't buy it. Like with in all things, money speaks loudest.

      Average MMO takes about 10 years before it's released.

      Throne and Liberty has been in production since 2011.

      {UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.


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      Strevi Member

      February 2023 edited February 2023

      Goalid wrote: »

      They're making a lot of money from the packages. 100k A2 keys translates to $25 million, and we can assume their revenue is more than that given a portion of that are A1 keys, cosmetic sales, and Beta 1/2 purchases. And we haven't even hit the max hype for this game yet, when A2 is announced I can see the number of A2 keys sold being doubled.

      I'm not concerned with the amount of time they are taking. I think the reasonable concern is if is ending up like Star Citizen, where we are being sold a dream of a MMO in perpetual development and Intrepid can stay profitable without results over a long period of time. We will have more of an idea of that after seeing 2023 progress.

      I think the message we should all have for people at the moment is to temper their expectations. Let Intrepid focus on making progress while the community focuses on other games at the moment.

      It is not clear to me if they make money or lose money at reduced rate due to cosmetics.
      But Star Citizen is a scam. The fact that people see potential similar path in future makes me stay cautious.
      I was waiting IS to dare declare a 2nd time an intended release date for the Alpha 2.
      I wouldn't care if they miss it. I can accept delays of even 1-2 years but no declared Alpha 2 target prevents me supporting them.

      Edit: and I want to support them. That's why I avoided participating in that alpha key lottery thread. To let others have higher chance and because I want to pay for the access. All I want is a declared release date.

      September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!

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      Strevi Member

      February 2023

      novercalis wrote: »

      STOP_THE_ASH_MONEY wrote: »

      Just curious.

      How much money has Intrepid made over the past 6-years off of the monetization of a promise of a game? How much off of crowd funding, ads etc? Because I've seen that in the name of the actual IP, Ashes of Creation, donated a not insubstantial amount of money to charity over the last 2-3 years.

      I don't know. I could be wrong but if they're making a buttload of money without even having to release the game , maybe that's a reason for them to say "hell, these guys will let us get away with this for another decade if we tell them its for their benefit. We're making money... why shouldn't we drag our heels?"

      Just a thought that maybe you guys deserve a little more. There is no reason after 6 years a game should not be done. You say you are worried it will be crap. it will be broken. There won't be polish and on and on. Listen, there is going to be bugs and things that need ironing out no matter what. You cannot foresee every bad event that may happen.

      Six years. With what looks to be a release date of Q1 2025 if you are lucky. And that's what the game producers and developers will say. "If YOU are lucky you will get to buy our game."

      NO! Stop this. Stop enabling there horrible work ethic. In the ARMY we had to do things quick. Guess what else? We had to be extremely precise in all things. And you know what? Every job I've ever worked has been that way.

      What a concept
      Stop letting them get away with this crap. If it's not going to be released until 2025 or even mid to late 2024 don't buy it. Like with in all things, money speaks loudest.

      Average MMO takes about 10 years before it's released.

      Throne and Liberty has been in production since 2011.

      I read they actually reworked the game at least once. It would not take so long if developers stick to the original vision.
      But just as developers make bugs and go back to fix their errors, so can also the person with the vision realize that the game concept has errors and things must be changed at it's core. That can happen with AoC too.
      I am sure there is pressure on IS from our side to stick with the original vision, but what if that is what will cause it be less popular and have fewer players?
      Shouldn't they rework and delay release 2-3 years?

      September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!

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      NiKr Member

      February 2023

      Strevi wrote: »

      But Star Citizen is a scam. The fact that people see potential similar path in future makes me stay cautious.

      Except you can already play SC, even if it's very barebones and obviously has a ton of problems. In other words, Ashes needs to release their alpha2 and keep its servers up for as long as possible to even catch up to SC's stage of development. And with the current pace there's a chance that we'll see Alpha2 in late 23 if not early 24.

      And I thiiiiink that's roughly the same time of development that took SC to release their playable version of the game? Not sure though, so if someone knows how long it took SC to have a playable version that most people could just log into and play. Oh, and SC has had free demos in the past too. Doubt Ashes will provide those.

      Now SC obviously had waaay more money, so they should've probably finished already if they didn't creep the f*ck out of their scope, but iirc they made their own engine and a ton of other stuff, so there's an additional difficulty there.

      In other words, Ashes right now seems much more like a scam than SC does, though I do not consider either of them to be scams.


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      Veeshan Member

      February 2023

      NiKr wrote: »

      Blip wrote: »

      And i belive Steven put up 30 mil him self so yes hes gotten a ROI

      30 was initial investment. He reupped that later. They probably earned roughly that amount back, but that doesn't matter, cause they've also been burning through money by constantly hiring people. Alpha2 release will most likely pay for another year or two of development, so game release in 25-26 would probably put them at 0 profit, but the release itself will most likely give them a huge inflow of cash.

      p.s. can't wait for Jahlons comments on the "army" part of the OP.

      think he said he up to 45 mil now into it

    • Options

      Strevi Member

      February 2023

      NiKr wrote: »

      Strevi wrote: »

      But Star Citizen is a scam. The fact that people see potential similar path in future makes me stay cautious.

      Except you can already play SC, even if it's very barebones and obviously has a ton of problems. In other words, Ashes needs to release their alpha2 and keep its servers up for as long as possible to even catch up to SC's stage of development. And with the current pace there's a chance that we'll see Alpha2 in late 23 if not early 24.

      And I thiiiiink that's roughly the same time of development that took SC to release their playable version of the game? Not sure though, so if someone knows how long it took SC to have a playable version that most people could just log into and play. Oh, and SC has had free demos in the past too. Doubt Ashes will provide those.

      Now SC obviously had waaay more money, so they should've probably finished already if they didn't creep the f*ck out of their scope, but iirc they made their own engine and a ton of other stuff, so there's an additional difficulty there.

      In other words, Ashes right now seems much more like a scam than SC does, though I do not consider either of them to be scams.

      You may be right.
      I considered very carefully if AoC could be or not a scam and I came to the conclusion that it is not.
      The reason to not support them yet is because I supported recently a kickstarter project which ended up well rated but still having problems which I cannot accept. And so I know that satisfaction of being a supporter might not pay off long term. Excitement fades. People on all forums say: be patient, learn to wait, play something else... Was hard to learn. Now that I have this attitude, I see that actually I can wait even longer and I do not feel the need to play at release time.
      So for AoC, no matter if I play alpha or not, I can wait at least 3 months to see servers being merged before I join a server.

      Regarding Star Citizen, I say it is a scam based on other people's opinion. And I intend to keep this opinion even if by rational arguments somebody shows me that AoC is too. I am not a lawyer and I allow myself to come to different conclusions.
      Similar bias I have against indie games which copy the graphic style Rimworld uses, with sliding pawns. I accuse them for copying Rimworld and I dismiss their excuse that Rimworld also took it from Prison Architect.

      I want progress in the gaming industry and that means developers should not 'inspire' themselves so much but should come with innovations and also I want them to lose their money if they make bad decisions. I don't care if I lose too if they lose more than me. The gaming industry as a whole is more important than the developer I support to survive when it should not.

      September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!

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      Strevi Member

      February 2023 edited February 2023

      If my words calling Star Citizen a scam cause pain, I feel the same pleasure like this necro here feels doing his things Money and Development Time (28)

      September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!

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      Voxtrium Member

      February 2023 edited February 2023

      Strevi wrote: »

      "should come with innovations and also I want them to lose their money if they make bad decisions. I don't care if I lose too if they lose more than me"

      An innovation isn't always a new graphical design or unthought of mechanic it can be an iteration of a previously implemented mechanic.

      Developers are just people, usually filled with passion, maybe change your mentality that everyone should lose if the developer f*cks up, cause that is f*cked up.


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      WeGbored Member

      February 2023

      An innovation at this point in gaming is being able to have 100s of players on screen without desync/rubberbanding/slideshows.

      UE5 finally gave us the technology.

      Whatever game launches with the ability for huge open world PvX gameplay is going to T H R I V E.

      Especially if it's got 64 playable classes that are all interesting and unique.

      Streaming Alpha 2 everyday!

    • Options

      Strevi Member

      February 2023

      Voxtrium wrote: »

      Strevi wrote: »

      "should come with innovations and also I want them to lose their money if they make bad decisions. I don't care if I lose too if they lose more than me"

      An innovation isn't always a new graphical design or unthought of mechanic it can be an iteration of a previously implemented mechanic.

      Developers are just people, usually filled with passion, maybe change your mentality that everyone should lose if the developer f*cks up, cause that is f*cked up.

      If I change my mentality then it would mean to say developers should make a profit even when the result of those iterations ends up being bad.
      Then where would that money come from?
      From the customers/gamers?

      You know... I hate more the entitled statements from supporters (kickstarters and early access players) who call themselves investors and want developers to listen to them or they ask their money back if the developer eventually admits defeat.

      Anyway, I tried to avoid bumping this thread made by somebody who seems to hide cowardly behind an alt account.
      Let's not feed this thread.

      September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!

    • Options

      ClintHardwood Member

      February 2023

      STOP_THE_ASH_MONEY wrote: »

      Just curious.

      How much money has Intrepid made over the past 6-years off of the monetization of a promise of a game? How much off of crowd funding, ads etc? Because I've seen that in the name of the actual IP, Ashes of Creation, donated a not insubstantial amount of money to charity over the last 2-3 years.

      I don't know. I could be wrong but if they're making a buttload of money without even having to release the game , maybe that's a reason for them to say "hell, these guys will let us get away with this for another decade if we tell them its for their benefit. We're making money... why shouldn't we drag our heels?"

      Just a thought that maybe you guys deserve a little more. There is no reason after 6 years a game should not be done. You say you are worried it will be crap. it will be broken. There won't be polish and on and on. Listen, there is going to be bugs and things that need ironing out no matter what. You cannot foresee every bad event that may happen.

      Six years. With what looks to be a release date of Q1 2025 if you are lucky. And that's what the game producers and developers will say. "If YOU are lucky you will get to buy our game."

      NO! Stop this. Stop enabling there horrible work ethic. In the ARMY we had to do things quick. Guess what else? We had to be extremely precise in all things. And you know what? Every job I've ever worked has been that way.

      What a concept
      Stop letting them get away with this crap. If it's not going to be released until 2025 or even mid to late 2024 don't buy it. Like with in all things, money speaks loudest.

      Because the army and every other job you worked didn't pioneer anything new. Creation is a long and difficult process consisting of countless iterations. Don't compare grunt work to creativity.


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      Spif Member

      February 2023

      Steven isn't getting money back as packs are sold. He's not an investor, he's an owner of the company. Capital held by a privately held company is already owned by the companies owners. He probably earns a salary though.

      Stealing someone else's numbers:

      +3,2M Kickstarter
      +5,0M (10k*500) Alpha 1
      +25M (100k*250) Alpha 2
      +45M (last official amount of skin in the game from Steven)

      They've "raised" about $80M to make the game so far, probably more since there are other packs n cosmetics not accounted for above


    • Options

      Voxtrium Member

      February 2023

      Strevi wrote: »

      Voxtrium wrote: »

      Strevi wrote: »

      "should come with innovations and also I want them to lose their money if they make bad decisions. I don't care if I lose too if they lose more than me"

      An innovation isn't always a new graphical design or unthought of mechanic it can be an iteration of a previously implemented mechanic.

      Developers are just people, usually filled with passion, maybe change your mentality that everyone should lose if the developer f*cks up, cause that is f*cked up.

      If I change my mentality then it would mean to say developers should make a profit even when the result of those iterations ends up being bad.
      Then where would that money come from?
      From the customers/gamers?

      You know... I hate more the entitled statements from supporters (kickstarters and early access players) who call themselves investors and want developers to listen to them or they ask their money back if the developer eventually admits defeat.

      Or they can turn that profit and use it to modify the bad game into a good one using the player feedback generated from the sales that gave the original profit?

      Sure there are entitled players that act like investors but IS asks for feedback, let people give it to them, I am sure they have thick skin and can take having a few people giving them sh*t.


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      Kilion Member

      February 2023

      Spif wrote: »

      Steven isn't getting money back as packs are sold. He's not an investor, he's an owner of the company. Capital held by a privately held company is already owned by the companies owners. He probably earns a salary though.

      Stealing someone else's numbers:

      +3,2M Kickstarter
      +5,0M (10k*500) Alpha 1
      +25M (100k*250) Alpha 2
      +45M (last official amount of skin in the game from Steven)

      They've "raised" about $80M to make the game so far, probably more since there are other packs n cosmetics not accounted for above

      Say my name when you take my highly reliable numbers XD

      The answer is probably >>> HERE <<<

    • Options

      Noaani Member, Intrepid Pack

      February 2023

      Someone wrote:

      Say my name when you take my highly reliable numbers XD

      Dont take these things too personally.

    • Options

      Atama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      February 2023

      daveywavey wrote: »

      Money and Development Time (38)

      Come on, how can someone whose username is demanding that people abandon the project in any way be a troll? Money and Development Time (39)

      But yes, as others have stated the timeframe for developing an MMORPG is long. Ashes isn't taking an unusual amount of time. They've made a lot of progress, and that's despite having to complete redo their infrastructure after the Apocalypse test showed that they wouldn't be able to support the playerbase they need to, and the setbacks from dealing with pandemic issues.

      There are many reasons to criticize the project (I've done so a lot on this board) but the timeframe doesn't seem to be a reasonable one.

      Money and Development Time (40)



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    Job: Human Hospitality Planner

    Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

    Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.