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What Army Field Manual covers the M136 AT4?

FM3-23.25 Chapter 2


What is the M136 AT4?

The M136 AT4 is a 84mm, lightweight, self-contained, anti-armor weapon. It consists of a free-flight,fin-stabilized, rocket-type cartridge packed in an expendable, one-piece,fiberglass-wrapped tube.


From which shoulder is the M136 AT4 fired?

Right shoulder only


What is the approximate length of the M136 AT4 Rocket?

18 inches


What is the approximate weight of the M136 AT4 Rocket?

4 lbs


What is the length of the M136 AT4?

40 inches


What is the maximum range of the M136 AT4?



What is the overall weight of the M136 AT4?

14.8 lbs


What is the maximum effective range of the M136 AT4?



What is the minimum target engagement range of the M136 AT4?

Training- 30 meters
Combat –15 meters


How many pre-fire checks are there for the M136 AT4 and what are they?

There are 11 pre-fire checks:

  1. The rear seal, a brown acrylic plastic plate inside the venturi, is in place and undamaged.
  2. The transport safety pin is in place and fully inserted.The lanyard is attached to the transport safety pin and the launcher. The lanyard should already be wrapped around the launcher clockwise and the transport safety pin inserted in the retainer hole counterclockwise.
  3. The co*cking lever is present and in the SAFE (unco*cked)position.
  4. The plastic fire-through muzzle cover is in place and undamaged. If it is torn or broken, cut it out and check the launch tube to ensure it is clear of foreign objects. Remove any that you find by turning the tube muzzle downward and gently shaking the launcher.
  5. The launcher has the correct color-coded band.
  6. The sights function properly. Open the sight covers to ensure the sights pop up and are undamaged.
  7. The forward safety does not move when you depress it.
  8. The red trigger button is not missing.
  9. The launcher body has no cracks, dents, or bulges.
  10. The carrying sling is not frayed and is attached firmly to the launch tube.
  11. The shoulder stop is not broken or damaged, and it unsnaps and folds down.


If you have a misfire with the M136 AT4, what should you do?

Combat Environment:

  • If the M136 AT4 launcher is armed (co*cked), keep it pointed away from personnel and equipment at all times.
  • Release the forward safety.
  • Remove your right hand from the firing mechanism and co*ck the weapon again.
  • Try to fire again. If the launcher still does not fire, maintain the same firing position and return the co*cking lever to the SAFE (unco*cked) position.
  • Move the launcher from your shoulder, keeping the launcher pointed toward the enemy. Reinsert the transport safety pin.
  • Break off the sights to identify the misfired launcher.
  • Place the launcher on the ground, pointed toward the enemy, and use another launcher. As soon as you can, dispose of the misfired launcher IAW unit SOP.

Training Environment:

  • If the M136 AT4 launcher is armed (co*cked), keep it pointed away from personnel and equipment at all times.
  • Shout “Misfire” as soon as the launcher fails to fire, while maintaining the original sight picture.
  • Release the forward safety.
  • Reco*ck the launcher. Immediately remove right hand from the firing mechanism and push the co*cking lever forward with the heel of the right hand until the lever locks with a loud clicking noise.
  • Press the forward safety all the way down and try to fire again. If the launcher still fails to fire, shout misfire, release the forward safety, and move the co*cking lever to the SAFE (unco*cked) position. Move the launcher from shoulder, keeping the weapon pointed toward the target and cradle the weapon in the left arm.
  • Reinsert the transport safety pin, wait two minutes, then carefully lay the launcher on the ground with the muzzle toward the target.


How large and what does the back-blast area of the M136 AT4 consist of?

Theblack-blast area is 65 meters in a 90-degree fan behind the weapon. The distances are 5 meters combat and 60meters training.


What is the FM concerning the M16/A2 Rifle?

FM 3-22.9


What is the first thing you should do when you handle a weapon?

Make sureyou clear it


Name the five phases in Basic Rifle Marksmanship.

  1. Preliminary Rifle Instruction
  2. Downrange Feedback
  3. Field Fire
  4. Advanced Rifle Marksmanship
  5. Advanced Optics, Laser and Iron Sights


What is the purpose of a weaponeer?

The weaponeer is capable of simulating all of the BRM live fire scenarios without firing rounds. Immediate feedback is available for critiquing the soldier's application of the integrated act of firing while using the weaponeer device to include misfire procedures.


What are the four fundamentals of marksmanship?

  1. Steady Position
  2. Proper Aim (Sight Picture)
  3. Breathing
  4. Trigger Squeeze


During Preliminary Marksmanship Training (PMI), what are the only two positions taught?

  1. Individual Foxhole supported
  2. Basic Prone unsupported


What are the two basic elements of the Sight Picture?

  1. Sight Alignment
  2. Placing of the Aiming Point


What does the acronym SPORTS stand for?

Slap, Pull, Observe, Release, Tap and Shoot


What is remedial action?

Remedial action is the continuing effort to determine the cause for a stoppage ormal function and to try to clear the stoppage once it has been identified.


Describe the proper procedures for applying remedial action with the M16/A2.

  1. Try to place the weapon on safe
  2. Remove the magazine
  3. Lock the bolt to the rear
  4. Place the weapon on safe if not already done


Describe the proper procedure for applying immediate action with the M16/A2.

  1. Slaps gently upward on the magazine to ensure it is fully seated, and the magazine follower is not jammed.
  2. Pulls the charging handle fully to the rear.
  3. Observes for the ejection of a live round or expended cartridge. (If the weapon fails to eject a cartridge, perform remedial action.)
  4. Releases the charging handle (do not ride it forward).
  5. Taps the forward assist assembly to ensure bolt closure.
  6. Squeezes the trigger and tries to fire the rifle.


Is SPORTS an Immediate or Remedial Action?

Immediate action


What is immediate action?

Immediate action involves quickly applying a possible correction to reduce a stoppage without performing troubleshooting procedures to determine the actual cause.(SPORTS)


How many times should immediate action be applied to a weapon?

Once. (If Rifle still fails to fire, apply remedial action)


What is a malfunction?

The weapon ceasing to fire due to a stoppage resulting from mechanical failure of the weapon, magazine or ammo.


Name the different categories of malfunctions on the M16/A2.

  1. Failure to feed, chamber or lock
  2. Failure to fire cartridge
  3. Failure to Extract
  4. Failure to Eject


What is stoppage?

A stoppage is a failure of an automatic or semiautomatic firearm to complete the cycle of operation..


How do you clear a stoppage?

Apply immediate or remedial action


What is the definition of Maximum Effective Range?

The greatest distance at which a soldier may be expected to deliver a target hit.


What does CLP stand for?

  • Cleaner - It contains solvents that dissolve firing residue and carbon.
  • Lubricant - It lays down a layer of teflon as it dries to provide lubrication.
  • Preservative - It prevents rust from Forming.


Describe the M16/A2 Rifle.

A 5.56mm, magazine fed, gas-operated, air-cooled, semiautomatic or three-round burst,hand-held, shoulder-fired weapon.


What are the 7 types of ammunition that can be used with the M16/A2 Rifle?

  1. M193 – Ball
  2. M196 – Trace
  3. M199 – Dummy
  4. M200 – Blank (Violet tip and 7 petal rose crimp)
  5. M855 – Ball (Green Tip)
  6. M856 – Tracer (Red Tip)
  7. M862 – Short Range Training Ammunition (Plastic with a Blue Tip)


What are the four steps required in order to mechanically zero the M16/A2?

  1. Adjust the front sight post (1) up or down until the base of the front sight post is flush with the front sight post housing (2).
  2. Adjust the elevation knob (3) counterclockwise, as viewed from above, until the rear sight assembly(4) rests flush with the carrying handle and the 8/3 marking is aligned with the index line on the left side of the carrying handle.
  3. Position the apertures(5) so the unmarked aperture is up and the 0-200 meter aperture is down. Rotate the windage knob (6) to align the index mark on the 0-200 meter aperture with the long center index line on the rear sight assembly.


What are the steps required in order to battlesight zero the M16/A2?

  1. Adjust the elevation knob (1) counterclockwise, as viewed from above, until the rear sight assembly(2) rests flush with the carrying handle and the 8/3 marking is aligned with the index line (3) on the left side of the carrying handle. Then adjust the elevation knob one more click clockwise.
  2. Position the apertures(4) so the unmarked aperture is up and the 0-200 meter aperture is down. Rotate the windage knob (5) to align the index mark on the 0-200 meter aperture with the long center index line on the rear sight assembly.


Describe the weights of the M16/A2 Rifle.

  • Without Magazine and Sling - 7.78 pounds
  • With Sling and a loaded 20 round magazine - 8.48 pounds
  • With Sling and a loaded 30 round magazine - 8.79 pounds


Describe the max effective rates of fire for the M16/A2 Rifle.

  • Semiautomatic - 45 rounds per minute
  • Burst - 90 rounds per minute
  • Sustained - 12-15 rounds per minute


What is the muzzle velocity of the M16/A2 Rifle?

3,100feet per second


Describe the ranges for the M16/A2 Rifle.

  • Maximum Range - 3,600 meters
  • Max Effective Range for a Point Target - 550 meters
  • Max Effective Range for an Area Target - 800 meters


Describe the Barrel Rifling for the M16/A2 Rifle.

Right hand twist 1/7


What is the basic load of ammunition for the M16/A2 Rifle?

210Rounds total. (7 magazines with 30rounds in each)


The elevation knob adjusts the point of aim for the M16A2 Rifle how much?

300 to 800 meters


What is the overall length of the M16/A2 Rifle?



What are the 8 steps in the functioning of the M16/A2 rifle?

  1. Feeding
  2. Chambering
  3. Locking
  4. Firing
  5. Unlocking
  6. Extract ing
  7. Ejecting
  8. co*cking


Describe the procedures for clearing the M16/A2 Rifle.

  • Point the muzzle in a designated SAFE DIRECTION. Attempt to place selector lever on SAFE. If weapon is not co*cked, lever cannot be placed on SAFE.
  • Remove the magazine by depressing the magazine catch button and pulling the magazine down.
  • To lock bolt open,pull charging handle rearward. Press bottom of bolt catch and allow bolt to move forward until it engages bolt catch. Return charging handle to full forward position. If you have not done so before, place the selector lever on SAFE.
  • Visually (not physically) inspect the receiver and chamber to ensure these areas contain no ammo.
  • With the select or lever pointing toward SAFE, allow the bolt to go forward by pressing the upper portion of the bolt catch.
  • Place the select or lever on SEMI and squeeze the trigger.
  • Pull the charging handle fully rearward and release it, allowing the bolt to return to the full forward position.
  • Place the select or lever on SAFE.
  • Close the ejection port cover.


How do you perform a functions check on the M16/A2 Rifle?

  1. Place the selector lever on safe. If the selector switch will not go on safe, pull the charging handle to the rear and release. Place the selector lever on safe. Pull the trigger to the rear, the hammer should not fall.
  2. Place the selector lever on semi. Pull the trigger to the rear and hold. The hammer should fall. While holding the trigger to the rear, pull the charging handle to the rear and release. Release the trigger and pull it to the rear again. The hammer should fall.
  3. Place the selector lever on burst. Pull the charging handle to the rear and release. Pull the trigger to the rear and hold. The hammer should fall. While holding the trigger to the rear, pull the charging handle to the rear three times and release. Release the trigger and pull it to the rear again. The hammer should fall.


What is the FM concerning the M4 Rifle?

FM 3-22.9


What is the first thing you should do when you handle a weapon?

Make sureyou clear it


Name the five phases in Basic Rifle Marksmanship.

  1. Preliminary Rifle Instruction
  2. Downrange Feedback
  3. Field Fire
  4. Advanced Rifle Marksmanship
  5. Advanced Optics, Laser and Iron Sights


What is the purpose of a weaponeer?

The weaponeer is capable of simulating all of the BRM live fire scenarios without firing rounds. Immediate feedback is available for critiquing the soldier's application of the integrated act offering while using the weaponeer device to include misfire procedures.


What are the four fundamentals of marksmanship?

  1. Steady Position
  2. Proper Aim (Sight Picture)
  3. Breathing
  4. Trigger Squeeze


During Preliminary Marksmanship Training (PMI), what are the only two positions taught?

  1. Individual Foxhole supported
  2. Basic Prone unsupported


What are the two basic elements of the Sight Picture?

  1. Sight Alignment
  2. Placing of the Aiming Point


What does the acronym SPORTS stand for?

Slap, Pull, Observe, Release, Tap and Shoot


What is remedial action?

Remedial action is the continuing effort to determine the cause for a stoppage ormal function and to try to clear the stoppage once it has been identified.


Describe the proper procedures for applying remedial action with the M4.

  1. Try to place the weapon on safe
  2. Remove the magazine
  3. Lock the bolt to the rear
  4. Place the weapon on safe if not already done


Describe the proper procedure for applying immediate action with the M4.

  1. Slaps gently upward on the magazine to ensure it is fully seated, and the magazine follower is not jammed.
  2. Pulls the charging handle fully to the rear.
  3. Observes for the ejection of a live round or expended cartridge. (If the weapon fails to eject a cartridge, perform remedial action.)
  4. Releases the charging handle (do not ride it forward).
  5. Taps the forward assist assembly to ensure bolt closure.
  6. Squeezes the trigger and tries to fire the rifle.


What are the steps required in order to mechanically zero the M4?

  1. Adjust the front sight post (1) up or down until the base of the front sight post is flush with the front sight post housing (2).
  2. Adjust the elevation knob (3) counterclockwise, when viewed from above, until the rear sight assembly (4) rests flush with the detachable carrying handle and the 6/3marking is aligned with the index line (5) on the left side of the carrying handle.
  3. Position the apertures(6) so the unmarked aperture is up and the 0-200 meter aperture is down. Rotate the windage knob (7) to align the index mark (8) on the 0-200 meter aperture with the long center index line on the rear sight assembly.


What are the steps required in order to battle sight zero the M4?

  1. Adjust the elevation knob (1) counterclockwise, when viewed from above, until the rear sight assembly (2) rests flush with the detachable carrying handle and the 6/3marking is aligned with the index line (3) on the left side of the detachable carrying handle. The elevation knob remains flush.
  2. Position the apertures(4) so the unmarked aperture is up and the 0-200 meter aperture is down. Rotate the windage knob (5) to align the index mark (6) on the 0-200 meter aperture with the long center index line on the rear sight assembly.


Is SPORTS an Immediate or Remedial Action?

Immediate action


What is immediate action?

Immediate action involves quickly applying a possible correction to reduce a stoppage without performing troubleshooting procedures to determine the actual cause.(SPORTS)


How many times should immediate action be applied to a weapon?

Once. (If Rifle still fails to fire, apply remedial action)


What is a malfunction?

The weapon ceasing to fire due to a stoppage resulting from mechanical failure of the weapon, magazine or ammo.


Name the different categories of malfunctions for the M4 Rifle.

  1. Failure to feed, chamber or lock
  2. Failure to fire cartridge
  3. Failure to Extract
  4. Failure to Eject


What is stoppage?

A stoppage is a failure of an automatic or semiautomatic firearm to complete the cycle of operation..


How do you clear a stoppage?

Apply immediate or remedial action


What is the definition of Maximum Effective Range?

The greatest distance at which a soldier may be expected to deliver a target hit.


What does CLP stand for?

  • Cleaner - It contains solvents that dissolve firing residue and carbon.
  • Lubricant - It lays down a layer of teflon as it dries to provide lubrication.
  • Preservative - It prevents rust from Forming.


Describe the M4 Rifle.

A 5.56mm, magazine fed, gas-operated, air-cooled, semiautomatic or three-round burst,hand-held, shoulder-fired weapon.


What are the 7 types of ammunition that can be used with the M4 Rifle?

  1. M193 – Ball
  2. M196 – Trace
  3. M199 – Dummy
  4. M200 – Blank (Violet tip and 7 petal rose crimp)
  5. M855 – Ball (Green Tip)
  6. M856 – Tracer (Red Tip)
  7. M862 – Short Range Training Ammunition (Plastic with a Blue Tip)


Describe the weights of the M4 Rifle without mgazine and sling, with sling and loaded 20 round magazine and with sling and loaded 30 round magazine.

  • Without Magazine and Sling - 6.49 pounds
  • With Sling and a loaded 20 round magazine - 7.19 pounds
  • With Sling and a loaded 30 round magazine - 7.50 pounds


Describe the max effective rates of fire for the M4 Rifle.

  • Semiautomatic - 45 rounds per minute
  • Burst - 90 rounds per minute
  • Sustained - 12-15 rounds per minute


What is the muzzle velocity of the M4 Rifle?

2,970feet per second


Describe the ranges for the M4 Rifle.

  • Maximum Range - 3,600 meters
  • Max Effective Range for a Point Target - 500 meters
  • Max Effective Range for an Area Target - 600 meters


Describe the Barrel Rifling for the M4 Rifle.

Right hand twist 1/7


What is the basic load of ammunition for the M4?

210Rounds total. (7 magazines with 30rounds in each)


The elevation knob adjusts the point of aim for the M4 Rifle how much?

300 to 600 meters


What is the overall length of the M4 Rifle?

  • Buttstock Closed - 29.75 inches
  • Buttstock Open - 33.00 inches


What are the four positions for the buttstock of the M4 Rifle?

  1. Closed
  2. 1/2 Open
  3. 3/4 Open
  4. Full Open


What are the 8 steps in the functioning of the M4 rifle?

  1. Feeding
  2. Chambering
  3. Locking
  4. Firing
  5. Unlocking
  6. Extract ing
  7. Ejecting
  8. co*cking


What part of the M4 Rail Adapter System may be removed to perform PMCS?

Only the Lower Assembly


Describe the procedures for clearing the M4 Rifle.

  • Point the muzzle in a designated SAFE DIRECTION. Attempt to place selector lever on SAFE. If weapon is not co*cked, lever cannot be placed on SAFE.
  • Remove the magazine by depressing the magazine catch button and pulling the magazine down.
  • To lock bolt open,pull charging handle rearward. Press bottom of bolt catch and allow bolt to move forward until it engages bolt catch. Return charging handle to fullforward position. If you have not done so before, place the selector lever on SAFE.
  • Visually (not physically) inspect the receiver and chamber to ensure these areas contain no ammo.
  • With the select orlever pointing toward SAFE, allow the bolt to go forward by pressing the upper portion of the bolt catch.
  • Place the select orlever on SEMI and squeeze the trigger.
  • Pull the charging handle fully rearward and release it, allowing the bolt to return to the full forward position.
  • Place the select orlever on SAFE.
  • Close the ejection port cover.


How do you perform a functions check on the M4 Rifle?

  1. Place the selector lever on safe. If the selector switch will not go on safe, pull the charging handle to the rear and release. Place the selector lever on safe. Pull the trigger to the rear, the hammer should not fall.
  2. Place the selector lever on semi. Pull the trigger to the rear and hold. The hammer should fall. While holding the trigger to the rear, pull the charging handle to the rear and release. Release the trigger and pull it to the rear again. The hammer should fall.
  3. Place the selector lever on burst. Pull the charging handle to the rear and release. Pull the trigger to the rear and hold. The hammer should fall. While holding the trigger to the rear, pull the charging handle to the rear three times and release. Release the trigger and pull it to the rear again. The hammer should fall.


Once done installing the M18A1, how far behind the mine should the wire be secured?

1 meter


Describe the M18A1

A curved,rectangular-shaped weapon, with an olive drab molded case of fiberglass filledpolystyrene (plastic). In the front portion of the case is a fragmentation facecontaining steel spheres embedded in a plastic matrix. The back portion of thecase behind the matrix contains a layer of explosives.


What is the M18A1 primarily used for?

It was designed for use against mass infantry attacks


What is the first step in installing the M18A1?

Inspect the components


How much does the M18A1 weigh?

3.5 lbs


What color is a "training" M18A1?



How long is the wire that the M4 blasting cap is connected to?

100 ft


Name the components that are in the bandoleer of the M18A1

The M7bandoleer has two pockets. One pocketcontain the mine and the other contains:

  • M40 test set
  • M57 firing device
  • M4 Electric Blasting cap Assembly
  • Instructions


Where will you find the instructions for the employment of the M18A1?

Under the flap of the bandoleer


What color is a "live" M18A1?



What is the effective frontal range of the M18A1?

When detonated, the M18A1 mine will deliver spherical steel fragments over a 60°fan-shaped pattern that is 2 meters high and 50 meters wide at a range of 50meters


Who keeps the M57 firing device while the M18A1 is being installed?

The individual installing the mine


What Field Manual covers the M18A1?

FM 23-23


What are the two sites used on the M18A1 to aim it?

Knife-edge and slit-type peep sights


When aiming the M18A1 using the slit-type peepsight, how far above the ground do you aim?

2 and 1/2meters above the ground


When aiming the M18A1 using the knife edge sight, how far above the ground do you aim?

You aim at ground level


What type of explosive is used in the M18A1?

1.5 lbs composition C4 (plastic explosive)


One M40 test set is included with how may M18A1 claymores?

1 in eachcase of 6


What is the killing zone of the M18A1?

About 20 to 30 meters


How far is the danger area to the rear of the M18A1?

16 meters ( The mine firing position should be in a foxhole or covered position at least 16 meters to the rear or the side of the emplaced mine.)


What is the M2 .50 Cal machine gun used for?

Defendagainst low-flying hostile aircraft, support the infantryman in both attack anddefense, destroy lightly armored vehicles, provide protection for motormovements, vehicle parks and train bivouacs, and reconnaissance by fire onsuspected enemy positions


What is the weight of the M2 .50 Cal machine gun?

84 lbs


Which FM covers the M2 .50 Cal?



What is the importance of correct head space adjustment on the .50 Cal machine gun?

Incorrect head space adjustment can cause a malfunction of the gun and lead to sluggish operation or failure to function freely.


What is the length of the barrel of the .50 Cal?

45 inches


What is the maximum range of the .50 Cal?



What is the muzzle velocity of the .50 Cal?

3,050 ftper sec


What is the description of the .50 Cal, HB, M2 Machine Gun?

The Browning machine gun caliber .50 HB, M2 is a belt-fed, recoil-operated,air-cooled, crew-served machine gun. The gun is capable of single shot, as well as automatic fire, and operates on the short recoil principle.


What is the maximum effective range of the .50 Cal against point and area targets?

  • Point targets Single shot- 1,500 meters
  • Area shot- 1,830 meters


To control the rate of fire on the M2, the gunner may use what methods of fire?

  • Single shot
  • Slow
  • Rapid
  • Cyclic


Describe the Single Shot method of fire on the M2 .50 Cal.

Place the gun in the single-shot mode and engage the target with aimed shots. The machine gun is accurate out to 1,500 meters.


Describe the Slow method of fire on the M2 .50 Cal.

Slow fire consists of less than 40 rounds per minute, in bursts of five to seven rounds, fired at 10- to 15-second intervals.


Describe the Rapid method of fire on the M2 .50 Cal.

Rapid fire consists of more than 40 rounds per minute, fired in bursts of five to seven rounds, at 5- to 10-second intervals.


Describe the Cyclic method of fire on the M2 .50 Cal.

Cyclic fire is when the weapon fires 450 to 550 rounds per minute.


What is the length of the .50 Cal, overall?

Approximately 65.13 inches


What is the cyclic rate of fire of the M2 .50 Cal?

450-550rounds a minute


What type of front sight does the M2 .50 Cal have?

A semi-fixed blade type with cover


What type of rear sight does the M2 .50 Cal have?

A leaf type rear sight graduated in both yards and mils


What are the common malfunctions of the M2 .50 Cal?

  • Failure to function freely
  • Uncontrolled automatic fire


What are the common stoppages of the M2 .50 Cal?

  • Failure to feed
  • Chamber
  • Lock
  • Fire
  • Unlock
  • Extract
  • Eject
  • co*ck


What are the ten major components and assemblies of the M2 .50 Cal?

  1. Barrel Group
  2. Carrier Assembly
  3. Back plate Group
  4. Receiver Group
  5. Bolt Stud
  6. Cover Group
  7. Barrel Buffer Body
  8. Barrel extension group
  9. Bolt Group
  10. Driving Spring Rod Assembly


What are the proper procedures for performing immediate action on the M2 .50 Cal?

If machine gun fails to fire, take the following action:

  1. Wait 5 seconds; a hang fire may be causing the misfire. In the next 5 seconds, pull the bolt to the rear (check for ejection and feeding of belt), release it, re-lay on the target, and attempt to fire. If the bolt-latch release and trigger are depressed at the same time, the bolt goes forward and the weapon should fire automatically.
  2. If the gun again fails to fire, wait another 5 seconds, pull the bolt to the rear (engage with the bolt latch if applicable), and return the retract ing slide handle to its forward position. Open the cover and remove the belted ammunition. Inspect the gun to determine the cause of stoppage.

A hang fire or cook off can cause injury to personnel or damage to the weapon. To avoid these, the gunner must take the following precautions:

  1. Always keep the round locked in the chamber the first 5 seconds after a misfire occurs. This prevents an explosion outside of the gun in event of a hang fire.
  2. If the barrel is hot, the round must be extracted within the next 5 seconds to prevent a cook off. When more than 150 rounds have been fired in a 2-minute period, the barrel is hot enough to produce a cook off.
  3. If the barrel is hot and the round cannot be extracted within the 10 seconds, it must remain locked in the chamber for at least 5 minutes, to guard against a cook off.
  4. Keep the gun cover closed during the waiting periods.


If you turn the M203 windage screw one increment, how far does that move the strike of the round at 200 meters?

1 and 1/2meters


What is the maximum range of the M203?

About 400meters


What is the maximum effective range of the M203 against a fire team sized area target?



What is the maximum effective range of the M203 against a vehicle or weapon point target?



What is the minimum arming range of the 40 mm round fired from the M203?

14 to 38meters


What is the rate of fire of the M203?

5 to 7 rounds per minute


What Field Manual covers the M203?



What is the casualty radius of a M203 40 mm HE round?

5 meters


What are the 4 fundamentals of M203 marksmanship?

  1. Steady Position
  2. Aiming
  3. Breathing
  4. Trigger Control


The M203 uses several fixed type, low velocity 40 mm rounds. Name some of the common types of rounds used.

  1. M433 – High Explosive Dual Purpose
  2. M406 – High Explosive
  3. M83A1 (white), M661 (Green), M662 (Red) – Star Parachute
  4. M585 – White Star Cluster
  5. M713 (Red Smoke), M715 (Green Smoke), M716 (Yellow Smoke) – Ground Marker
  6. M781 – Practice
  7. M651 – Tactical CS
  8. Buckshot


What are the two common malfunctions of the M203?

  1. Failure to co*ck
  2. Failure to lock


What are the five common stoppages of the M203?

  1. Failure to fire
  2. Failure to extract
  3. Failure to eject
  4. Failure to chamber
  5. Safety Fails to stay in position


What are the two types of sights on the M203?

  1. Leaf
  2. Quadrant


Describe the M203.

The M203 grenade launcher is a lightweight, single-shot, breech-loaded, pump action(sliding barrel), shoulder-fired weapon that is attached to an M16 rifle series, or the M4 carbine series with the M203A1, and M4 carbine series with the rail system.


At what range do you zero the M203?



How must you maintain the M203 Grenade Launcher in varying climates?

  • Extreme Heat: Lubricate with CLP, grade 2.
  • Damp or Salty Air: Clean the weapon and apply CLP, grade 2, frequently.
  • Sandy or Dusty Air: Clean the weapon and apply CLP, grade 2, frequently. Remove excess CLP with a rag after each application.
  • Temperatures Below Freezing: When the weapon is brought in from a cold area to a warm area, keep it wrapped in a parka or blanket, and allow it to reach room temperature gradually. If condensation forms on the weapon, dry and lubricate it at room temperature with CLP, grade 2, before returning it to cold weather. Otherwise, ice will form inside the mechanism.


How long should you wait before opening the breach to unload the weapon if you happen to have a misfire with the M203?

30 seconds


What is the weight of the M240B?

Approximately 27.6 pounds


What Field Manual covers the M240B?

FM3-22.68 Chapter 3


Describe the M240B.

The M240B is a belt-fed, air-cooled, gas-operated, fully automatic machine gun that fires from the open bolt position.


What is the sustained rate of fire for the M240B?

100 Rounds per minute fired in 6 to 9 round bursts and 4 to 5 seconds between bursts. Barrel change every 10 minutes.


What is the rapid rate of fire for the M240B?

200 Rounds per minute fired in 10 to 13 round bursts and 2 to 3 seconds between bursts. Barrel change every 2 minutes.


What is the cyclic rate of fire for the M240B?

650 to950 Rounds per minute fired in continuous bursts. Barrel change every minute.
(FM 3-22.68 Jan 2003 / 3-1 / PDF 84)


What is the maximum range of the M240B?

3725 meters


What is the maximum effective range of the M240B with tripod and T&E?

1100 meters


What is the maximum effective range of the M240B for an area target?

Tripod –1,100 meters
Bipod – 800 meters


What is the maximum effective range of the M240B for a point target?

Tripod – 800 meters
Bipod – 600 meters


What is the length of the M240B?

49 inches


What is the maximum tracer burnout for the M240B?

900 meters


What types of ammunition can be used with M240B?

  • M80 – Ball
  • M61 – Armor Piercing
  • M62 – Tracer
  • M63 – Dummy
  • M82 – Blank


What are the proper clearing procedures for the M240B?

  1. Move the safety to the fire “F” position.
  2. With his right hand, (palm up) pulls the co*cking handle to the rear, ensuring the bolt is locked to the rear (bipod mode).
  3. Return the co*cking handle to its forward position.
  4. Place the safety on safe “S.”
  5. Raise the cover assembly and conduct the four-point safety check for brass, links, or ammunition.
    • Check the feed pawl assembly under the cover.
    • Check the feed tray.
    • Lift the feed tray and inspects the chamber.
    • Check the space between the face of the bolt and chamber to include the space under the bolt and operating rod assembly.
  6. Close the feed tray and cover assembly and place the safety to the fire “F” position. Pull co*cking handle to the rear, and pull the trigger while manually riding the bolt forward. Close the ejection port cover.


What are the proper procedures for performing a function check on the M240B?

  1. Places the safety on “F.”
  2. Pulls the co*cking handle to the rear, locking the bolt to the rear of the receiver.
  3. Returns the co*cking handle to the forward position.
  4. Places the safety on “S,” and closes the cover.
  5. Pulls the trigger. (Bolt should not go forward).
  6. Places the safety on “F.”
  7. Pulls the co*cking handle to the rear, pulls the trigger, and rides the bolt forward.
  8. Closes the ejection port cover.


What is the maximum range of the M249 (SAW)?



What is the maximum effective range of the M249 with tripod and T+E?



What is the maximum range of the M249 against an area target for both tripod and bipod?

Tripod –1,000 meters
Bipod –800 meters


What is the maximum range of the M249 against a point target for both tripod and bipod?

Tripod –800 meters
Bipod –600 meters


What does S.A.W. stand for?

SquadAutomatic Weapon


What is the weight of the M249?



What is the basic load of ammunition for the M249?

1,000rounds (in 200 round drums)


What is the length of the M249



Describe the M249.

The M249 machine gun is a gas-operated, air-cooled, belt or magazine-fed, automatic weapon that fires from the open-bolt position.


What FM covers the M249?



What are the rates of fire for the M249?

  • Sustained rate is 100 rounds per minute
  • Rapid rate is 200 rounds per minute
  • Cyclic rate is 650 to 850 rounds per minute


What are the proper procedures for clearing the M249?

  1. Moves the safety to the fire “F” position by pushing it to the left until the red ring is visible.
  2. With his right hand,palm up, pulls the co*cking handle to the rear, locking the bolt in place.
  3. While holding the resistance on the co*cking handle, moves the safety to the SAFE position by pushing it to the right until the red ring is not visible. (The weapon cannot be placed on safe unless the bolt is locked to the rear.)
  4. Returns and locks the co*cking handle in the forward position.
  5. Raises the cover andfeed mechanism assembly, and conducts the five-point safety check for brass,links, or ammunition:
    • (1)Checks the feed pawl assembly under the feed cover.
    • (2)Checks the feed tray assembly.
    • (3)Lifts the feed tray assembly and inspects the chamber.
    • (4)Checks the space between the bolt assembly and the chamber.
    • (5)Inserts two fingers of his left hand in the magazine well to extract any ammunition or brass.
  6. Closes the cover and feed mechanism assembly and moves the safety to the “F” position. With his right hand, palm up, returns the co*cking handle to the rear position. Presses the trigger and at the same time eases the bolt forward by manually riding the co*cking handle forward.


What are the 8 major groups of the M249?

  1. Operating Rod Group
  2. Barrel Group
  3. Handguard Group
  4. Buttstock and Buffer Assembly Group
  5. Trigger Mechanism Group
  6. Gas Cylinder Group
  7. Bipod Group
  8. Receiver Group


The M249 is loaded, fired, unloaded and cleared from what bolt position?

The open bolt position


What are the steps to the cycle of functioning for the M249?

  • Feeding
  • Chambering
  • Locking
  • Firing
  • Unlocking
  • Extract ing
  • co*cking


How do you adjust for windage with the M249?

Adjustments for windage are made by traversing the rear sight right and left along the sliding scale.


How do you adjust for elevation with the M249?

Adjustments for elevation (range) require the automatic rifleman to turn the elevation knob (closest to the buttstock) on the rear sight to the desired range setting.


Name 3 assault firing positions used with the M249

  1. Shoulder
  2. Hip
  3. Underarm


What are two unique features of the M249?

It has aregulator to change the rate of fire, and it is fed by M16 magazines as well asbelt fed


What is the FM that covers the M60?



What is the weight of the M60?

23 Pounds


What is the maximum effective range of the M60?

1,100meters with Tripod and T+E


What feature of the M60 allows the user to change the barrels rapidly?

A fixed head space


What are the sustained, rapid and cyclic rates of fire for the M60?

Sustained– 100
Rapid –200
Cyclic –550


What is the most effective rate of fire for the M60?

6-9 round bursts with 4-5 seconds between bursts.


What is the tracer burnout range for the M60?



What is grazing fire?

Horizontalfire in the vicinity of the knee to the waist high area on the enemy


What is the maximum range of grazing fire for the M60 over level or uniformly sloped terrain?



What is always the Number 1 target on an M60 range card?

The FPL(Final Protective Line)


What are the 5 types of ammunition used with the M60?

  1. M80 - Ball
  2. M62 - Tracer
  3. M61 - Armor piercing
  4. M63 - Dummy
  5. M82 - Blank


What weapon is scheduled to replace the M60 machine gun?

The M240B


Describe the M60.

The M60 is a gas-operated, air-cooled, belt-fed, automatic machine gun that fires from the open-bolt position.


The M60 is fired with the bolt in what position?

The open bolt position


How often should the barrel be changed on the M60?

Sustained rate of fire- every 10 minutes
Rapid rate of fire- every 2 minutes
Cyclic-every minute


Name 2 common malfunctions of the M60

  1. Sluggish operation
  2. Runaway gun


What should you do if you have a "runaway gun" with the M60 Machine Gun?

Break thebelt


How many barrels are issued with the M60?

2 barrels


What are the proper procedures to clear the M60 Machine Gun?

  1. Moves the safety lever to the “F” position.
  2. With his right hand,palm up, pulls the co*cking handle in the rear. Moves the safety lever to the“S” position. Returns and locks the co*cking handle in the forward position.
  3. Raises the cover and conducts the four-point safety check for brass, links, or ammunition.
    • Checks the feed pawl assembly under the cover.
    • Checks the feed tray. Lifts the feed tray and hanger assembly and inspects the chamber.
    • Checks the space between the face of the bolt and the chamber.
  4. Closes the cover and moves the safety lever to the “F” position. Pulls the co*cking handle to the rear position. Pulls the trigger and at the same time eases the bolt forward by manually riding the co*cking handle forward.
  5. Places the safety lever on “S” and raises the cover. (If not disassembling the gun, keep the cover down.)


How do you perform a function check on the M60?

  1. Open the cover and pull the co*cking handle to the rear.
  2. Place the safety on “S” position.
  3. Return the co*cking handle to the forward position.
  4. Close the feed tray cover.
  5. Place the safety on “F” position.
  6. Grasp the co*cking handle with the right hand, pull the trigger with the left hand, and ease the bolt forward.


How many spring-loaded fins are attached to the M72A2/A3 LAW?



What is the muzzle velocity of the M72A2 and M72A3?

475 fps


Describe the M72A2/A3 LAW

The M72A2/A3 LAW is a lightweight, self-contained, anti-armor weapon consisting of a rocket packed in a launcher . It is man-portable, may be fired from either shoulder.


What is the length of the Launcher of the M72A2 and the M72A3?

  • Closed- 24.8 inches
  • Fully extended- 34.67 inches


About the Rocket in the M72A2 and the M72A3, how long is it and how much does it weigh?

  • Length- 20 inches
  • Weight- 2.2 lbs


What FM covers the use of the M72 LAW?

FM3-23.25 Chapter 5


What is the Minimum range of the M72A2 and the M72A3 in a combat environment?

10 meters


What is the Maximum Range of the M72A2 and the M72A3?



What is the Maximum Effective range of the M72A2 and the M72A3?

  • Stationary target- 200 meters
  • Moving Target- 165 meters


Because the M72-series LAW is issued as a round of ammunition rather than as a weapon,inspection is limited to a visual examination of the sealed unit. How do you inspect the M72 series LAW?

  • Check the body for dents, cracks, or bulges
  • Check the rubber boots covering the trigger bar and barrel detent for
  • Ensure the arming handle is present and on SAFE and that the pull
  • Check the data plate for the phrase, W/COUPLER.


What is the first thing that you should do before engaging a target with the LAW?

Determin range


What kind of projectile is fired form the LAW?

A 66 mm high explosive, antitank (HEAT), percussion ignited, fin-stabilized, fixed munitions rocket.


What is the first step in preparing the LAW for use?

Inspect its overall condition


What is the weight of a complete M72A2?

5.1 lbs


What is the weight of a complete M72A3?

1.5 lbs


If you have a misfire with the M72A2/A3 LAW, what should you do?

Combat Environment:

  • Squeeze the trigger again immediately.
  • If the launcher still fails to fire, place the trigger arming handle on SAFE.
  • Partly collapse the launcher, than extend it to co*ck it again.
  • Place it on your shoulder, check the back blast area again, and then arm, aim, and fire the launcher.
  • If the LAW still fails to fire, squeeze the trigger again and return the trigger arming handle to
  • SAFE. Collapse the launcher, set it aside, and try another one. As soon as possible, dispose of the misfired LAW IAW unit SOP.

Training Environment:

  • Squeeze the trigger again.
  • If the launcher still fails to fire, keep the launcher on your shoulder, announce “Misfire,” and wait 10 seconds. Place the trigger arming handle on SAFE.
  • Move the launcher from your shoulder and wait one minute.
  • Extend the launcher to co*ck it again, check the back blast area, place the launcher back on your shoulder, pull the arming handle to the ARM position, aim, and squeeze the trigger bar.
  • If the launcher again fails to fire, wait 10 seconds before returning the trigger arming handle to the SAFE position.
  • Keep the launcher trained on the target area at least one minute; DO NOT collapse the launcher.
  • Move the launcher to a safe area and dispose of it IAW unit SOP.


What is the weight of the M9 pistol with an empty magazine?

2.1 Pounds


Describe the M9 pistol.

The M9 pistol is a 9-mm, semiautomatic, magazine fed, recoil-operation, double-action weapon chambered for the 9-mm cartridge.


Describe the magazine for the M9.

Astandard staggered box magazine designed to hold 15 rounds


What is the weight of the M9 pistol with a 15 round magazine?

2.6 pounds(FM 3-23.35 June 2003 / 1-1 / PDF 10)


What is the basic load of ammunition for the M9?

45 Rounds


How many rounds can a magazine designed for the M9 hold?

15 Rounds


What are the two types of ammunition used by the M9?

  1. Cartridge, 9-mm ball, M882 with/without cannelure).
  2. Cartridge, 9-mm dummy, M917.


What Field Manual covers the M9?



What are the proper clearing procedures for the M9?

  1. Place the deco*cking/safety lever in the SAFE down position.
  2. Hold the pistol in the raised pistol position.
  3. Depress the magazine release button and remove the magazine from the pistol.
  4. Pull the slide to the rear and remove any chambered round.
  5. Push the slide stop up, locking the slide to the rear.
  6. Look into the chamber to ensure that it is empty.


What are the steps required to perform a function check for the M9?

  1. Clear the pistol in accordance with the unloading procedures.
  2. Depress the slide stop, letting the slide go forward.
  3. Insert an empty magazine into the pistol.
  4. Retract the slide fully and release it. The slide should lock to the rear.
  5. Depress the magazine release button and remove the magazine.
  6. Ensure the deco*cking/safety lever is in the SAFE position.
  7. Depress the slide stop. When the slide goes forward, the hammer should fall to the forward position.
  8. Squeeze and release the trigger. The firing pin block should move up and down and the hammer should not move.
  9. Place the deco*cking/safety lever in the fire POSITION.
  10. Squeeze the trigger to check double action. The hammer should co*ck and fall.
  11. Squeeze the trigger again. Hold it to the rear. Manually retract and release the slide. Release the trigger. A click should be heard and the hammer should not fall.
  12. Squeeze the trigger to check the single action. The hammer should fall.


What are the steps to the cycle of operation of the M9?

  1. Feeding
  2. Chambering
  3. Locking
  4. Firing
  5. Unlocking
  6. Extract ing
  7. Ejecting
  8. co*cking


How do you perform immediate action for the M9?

  1. Ensure the deco*cking/safety lever is in the FIRE position.
  2. Squeeze the trigger again.
  3. If the pistol does not fire, ensure that the magazine is fully seated, retract the slide to the rear, and release.
  4. Squeeze the trigger.
  5. If the pistol again does not fire, remove the magazine and retract the slide to eject the chambered cartridge. Insert a new magazine, retract the slide, and release to chamber another cartridge.
  6. Squeeze the trigger.
  7. If the pistol still does not fire, perform remedial action.


How do you perform remedial action for the M9?

  1. Clear the pistol.
  2. Inspect the pistol for the cause of the stoppage.
  3. Correct the cause of the stoppage, load the pistol, and fire.
  4. If the pistol again fails to fire, disassemble it for closer inspection, cleaning, and lubrication.


What are the major components of the M9?

  • Slide and Barrel assembly
  • Recoil spring and Recoil Spring guide
  • Barrel and LockingBlock Assembly
  • Receiver
  • Magazine


What is the maximum range of the M9?



What is the maximum effective range of the M9?

50 meters


What are the three safety features found on the M9?

  1. Deco*cking
  2. Safety Lever
  3. Firing Pin Block


What is the weight of the M11 pistol with an empty magazine?



Describe the M11 pistol.

The M11 pistol is a 9-mm, semiautomatic, magazine fed, recoil-operation, double-action weapon chambered for the 9-mm cartridge.


Describe the magazine for the M11.

Astandard staggered box magazine designed to hold 13 rounds


What is the weight of the M11 pistol with a 13 round magazine?



What is the basic load of ammunition for the M11?

39 Rounds


How many rounds can a magazine designed for the M11 hold?

13 Rounds


What are the two types of ammunition used by the M11?

  1. Cartridge, 9-mm ball, M882 with/without cannelure).
  2. Cartridge, 9-mm dummy, M917.


What Field Manual covers the M11?

FM 3-23.35


What are the proper clearing procedures for the M11?

  1. Place the deco*cking/safety lever in the SAFE down position.
  2. Hold the pistol in the raised pistol position.
  3. Depress the magazine release button and remove the magazine from the pistol.
  4. Pull the slide to the rear and remove any chambered round.
  5. Push the slide stop up, locking the slide to the rear.
  6. Look into the chamber to ensure that it is empty.


What are the steps required to perform a function check for the M11?

  1. Clear the pistol in accordance with the unloading procedures.
  2. Depress the slide stop, letting the slide go forward.
  3. Insert an empty magazine into the pistol.
  4. Retract the slide fully and release it. The slide should lock to the rear.
  5. Depress the magazine release button and remove the magazine.
  6. Ensure the deco*cking/safety lever is in the SAFE position.
  7. Depress the slide stop. When the slide goes forward, the hammer should fall to the forward position.
  8. Squeeze and release the trigger. The firing pin block should move up and down and the hammer should not move.
  9. Place the deco*cking/safety lever in the fire POSITION.
  10. Squeeze the trigger to check double action. The hammer should co*ck and fall.
  11. Squeeze the trigger again. Hold it to the rear. Manually retract and release the slide. Release the trigger. A click should be heard and the hammer should not fall.
  12. Squeeze the trigger to check the single action. The hammer should fall.


What are the steps to the cycle of operation of the M11?

  1. Feeding
  2. Chambering
  3. Locking
  4. Firing
  5. Unlocking
  6. Extract ing
  7. Ejecting
  8. co*cking


How do you perform immediate action for the M11?

  1. Ensure the deco*cking/safety lever is in the FIRE position.
  2. Squeeze the trigger again.
  3. If the pistol does not fire, ensure that the magazine is fully seated, retract the slide to the rear, and release.
  4. Squeeze the trigger.
  5. If the pistol again does not fire, remove the magazine and retract the slide to eject the chambered cartridge. Insert a new magazine, retract the slide, and release to chamber another cartridge.
  6. Squeeze the trigger.
  7. If the pistol still does not fire, perform remedial action.


How do you perform remedial action for the M11?

  1. Clear the pistol.
  2. Inspect the pistol for the cause of the stoppage.
  3. Correct the cause of the stoppage, load the pistol, and fire.
  4. If the pistol again fails to fire, disassemble it for closer inspection, cleaning, and lubrication.


What are the major components of the M11?

  • Slide and Barrel assembly
  • Recoil spring and Recoil Spring guide
  • Barrel and Locking Block Assembly
  • Receiver
  • Magazine


What is the maximum range of the M11?



What is the maximum effective range of the M11?

50 meters


What are the three safety features found on the M11?

  1. Deco*cking
  2. Safety Lever
  3. Firing Pin Block


What size projectile is fired from the MK19?

40 mm


What is a special feature of the barrel of the MK19?

It is designed to not overheat even after prolonged firing


What is a MK64, MOD7?

The gun cradle for the MK19


Describe the MK19.

An air-cooled, blow back operated, belt-fed machine gun that is fed by a disintegrating metallic-link belt and fires 40mm grenade cartridges


What is the length of the MK19?



What is the maximum range of the MK19?



What is the maximum effective range of the MK19?

  • Point - 1,500 meters
  • Area - 2,212 meters


What are the rates of fire for the MK19?

  • Sustained- 40 rds/min
  • Rapid- 60 rds/min
  • Cyclic- 325-375 rds/min


What is the muzzle velocity of the MK19?

798ft per second


What are the two most common malfunctions of the MK19?

  • Runaway gun
  • Sluggish action


When taking immediate action for a "runaway gun" with the MK19, should you ever break the ammo belt?



One click in rear site windage equals how many change?

1 mil


What mounts are available for the MK19?

  • M3 Tripod
  • M4 Pedestal
  • M66 Ring
  • HMMWV Weapons Platform
  • M113 APC Commander's cupola


Describe the sight system for the MK19.

The MK19 has a blade-type front sight attached to the top cover assembly and a leaf-type rear sight (with an adjustable range plate) mounted on a spring dovetail base. The rear sight range plate is incremented in 100-meter intervals from 300 to 1500 meters. Range changes are made using either the slide release or the elevation wheel. The rear sight is also adjustable for windage


What is the weight of the MK19 weapon system?

  • System weight (Gun, Cradle and Tripod with feed throat) = 143 lbs
  • MK19 with feed throat = 78 lbs
  • MK64 = 21 lbs
  • M3 (tripod) = 44 lbs


What are the approved methods of destruction for the MK19?

  • Mechanical means
  • Burning
  • Gunfire
  • Demolition
  • Disposal


What FM covers the MK19?

FM 3-22.27


What is the average recoil force of the MK19?

500 lbs


What is the type of ammunition fired from the MK19?

  • M430 (HEDP)
  • M383 (HE)
  • M918 (TP)
  • M922 (DUMMY)


What are the 6 steps in the MK19 cycle of operation?

  1. Charging
  2. Extract ing (delinking)
  3. co*cking
  4. Firing
  5. Blowback
  6. Automatic Feeding


What are the proper procedures to clear a MK19?

In a Firing Situation:

  1. Move the safety switch to S (SAFE).
  2. Open the top cover assembly. If all the ammunition has NOT been fired, the bolt is to the rear and a round is on the bolt face. If the bolt is forward, lock it to the rear
  3. Take the ammunition from the feed tray by reaching beneath the feed tray and pressing the primary and secondary positioning pawls. While pressing the position pawls, slide the linked rounds out of the MK 19 through the feed throat.
  4. Insert a section of the cleaning rod or bayonet through either side of the receiver rail. Place it on top of the live round or cartridge case, as close to the bolt face as possible, and push down. This action forces the round out of the MK 19.
  5. Lower and pull both charger handles to the rear.
  6. Inspect the chamber and bolt face to ensure that no live rounds are in the weapon.
  7. Place the safety switch on F (FIRE) (Figure 2-6).
  8. Maintain rearward pressure on the charging handle, press the trigger and ease the bolt forward.
  9. Place the safety switch on S (SAFE).

In a Non-Firing Situation:

  1. Place the safety switch on S (SAFE) (Figure 2-6).
  2. Open the top cover assembly.
  3. Lower one or both charger handles.
  4. Pull the charger handle slightly to the rear.
  5. Allow sufficient space between the face of the bolt and the chamber to see both.
  6. Check for live ammunition.
  7. Ride the bolt forward.
  8. Return the charger handle to its original upright position.


What are the proper procedures for performing immediate action on the MK19?

During peace time and training:

  1. The gunner ensures the safety of other personnel and clears the weapon of ammunition by performing the following steps in sequence:
    • Clear the area of personnel.
    • Pull bolt to the rear. If the bolt does not go to the rear, go to BOLT JAMMED.
    • Catch the live round as it is ejected.
    • Push the charging handles forward and up.
    • Put the gun on S (SAFE) and check for any bore obstructions.
    • If bore is clear, move safety switch from the S (SAFE) to the F (FIRE) position, and attempt to fire.
    • If nothing happens, put gun on S (SAFE) and wait 10 seconds.
    • Pull the bolt to the rear.
    • Catch the live round as it is ejected.
    • Open the top cover and clear the ammunition.
    • Check bore for any obstructions.
  2. Charge the MK 19 in the normal manner and check to see the primary pawls have clicked up behind the cartridge in front of the bolt face and that the secondary pawls have clicked up behind the next round before firing. The feed pawls should click up within the 1-inch of charging handle travel.
  3. If the primary and secondary pawls do not click up within the last 1-inch of charging travel,follow these procedures:
    • Turn the MK 19 into unit level maintenance.
    • Record ammo lot number, type of ammo, number of rounds fired, serial number of the MK 19 and indicate whether ammo is linked with one-piece or two-piece links.

During Combat:

  1. Press charger handle locks and rotate charger handles down.
  2. Pull charger handles to the rear until the bolt sears.
  3. Push charger handles forward and rotate charger handles up and lock.
  4. Relay and fire.
  5. Turn in live rounds that cycled through the weapon as instructed by current directives.


What is a hand grenade?

The hand grenade is a hand-held, hand-armed and hand-thrown weapon


What is the effective casualty-producing radius of the M67 hand grenade?

15 meters


What are the components of a hand grenade?

  • Body
  • Filler
  • Fuse Assembly


What are the three characteristics of all hand grenades?

  1. Employment range is short
  2. Small effective casualty radius
  3. Delay element permits safe throwing


What FM covers Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals?



In what five areas can the hand grenade assist the individual soldier in the accomplishment of the mission?

  • Producing casualties
  • Signaling
  • Screening
  • Producing incendiary effects
  • Riot control


What are the six types of hand grenades?

  1. Fragmentation – The grenades are used to produce casualties by high-velocity projection of fragments.
  2. Illuminating – This grenade is used to provide illumination of terrain and targets.
  3. Chemical – These grenades are used for incendiary, screening, signaling, training, or riot control.
  4. Offensive – This grenade is used for blast effect.
  5. Practice and Training – These grenades are used for training personnel in use, care and handling of service grenades.
  6. Nonlethal – This grenade is used for diversionary purposes or when lethal force is not desired.


How do you inspect unpacked grenades or grenades stored in ammunition pouches?

  1. Inspect unpackedgrenades daily to ensure that the safety pins are present.
  2. Check the body for rust or dirt.
  3. Make sure the lever is not broken or bent.


What types of grenades should every soldier be able to identify

  • M67 Fragmentation
  • M18 Colored Smoke
  • AN-M8 HC Smoke
  • AN-M14 TH3 Incendiary
  • ABC-M7A2, ABC-M7A3 CS Riot Control

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M-60M18AN-M8 HCAN-M14 TH3ABC M7 A2


About the M67 Fragmentation Grenade:

  • Body - steel sphere with scored steel spring for fragmentation
  • Filler - 6.5 ounces of Composition B.
  • Fuse - M213.
  • Weight - 14 ounces.
  • Safety clip - yes.
  • Capabilities – The average Soldier can throw the M67 grenade 35 meters. The effective casualty producing radius is 15 meters and killing radius is 5 meters.
  • Color/markings – The M67 grenade has an olive drab body with a single yellow band at the top. Markings are in yellow


About the M18 Colored Smoke Grenade:

  • Body - sheet steel cylinder with four emission holes at the top and one at the bottom which allow smoke to escape when the grenade is ignited. (recently manufactured grenades do not have bottom holes.)
  • Filler - 11.5 ounces of colored smoke mixture (red, green, yellow, and violet).
  • Fuse - M201A1.
  • Weight - 19 ounces.
  • Safety clip - no.
  • Capabilities - The average Soldier can throw the M18 grenade 35 meters. The grenade burns for 50 to 90 seconds with an average burn time of 60 seconds.
  • Color/markings – The M18 grenade is alight green with black markings. The top of the grenade indicates the smoke color.


About the AN-M8 HC Smoke Grenade:

  • Body – sheet, steel cylinder.
  • Filler - 19 ounces of Type C, HC smoke mixture.
  • Fuse - M201A1.
  • Weight - 24 ounces.
  • Safety clip - no.
  • Capabilities – The average Soldier can throw the AN-M8 grenade 30 meters. The grenade emits a dense cloud of white smoke for 105 to 150 seconds. The AN-M8 Grenade produces harmful hydrochloric fumes that irritate the eyes, throat and lungs. It should not be used in closed-in areas unless soldiers are wearing protective masks.
  • Color/markings – The AN-M8 grenade has a light green body with black markings and a white top.


About the AN-M14 TH3 Incendiary:

  • Body - sheet metal.
  • Filler - 26.5 ounces of thermate (TH3) mixture.
  • Fuse - M201A1.
  • Weight - 32 ounces.
  • Safety clip - no.
  • Capabilities – The average Soldier can throw the AN-M14 TH3 25 meters..A portion of the thermate mixture is converted to molten iron, which burns at 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit. It will fuse together the metallic parts of anyobject that it contacts. Thermate is an improved version of thermite, theincendiary agent used in hand grenades during World War II. The thermate filler of the AN-M14 grenade burns for 40 seconds and can burn through a 1/2-inch hom*ogeneous steel plate. It produces its own oxygen and will burn under water.
  • Color/markings - gray with purple markings and a single purple band (current grenades). Under the standard color-coding system, incendiary grenades are light red with black markings.


About the ABC M7A2 and ABC M7A3 CS Riot Control:

  • Body – Sheet metal with four emission holes at the top and one at the bottom.
  • Filler – The ABC M7A2 has 5.5 ounces of burning mixture and 3.5 ounces of CS in gelatin capsules. The ABC M7A3 has 7.5 ounces of burning mixture and 4.5 ounces of CS pellets
  • Fuse – M201A1 MOD2
  • Weight – 15.5 ounces.
  • Safety clip - no.
  • Capabilities – The average Soldier can throw either of these grenades 40 meters. Both grenades produce a cloud of irritant agent for 15 to 35 seconds.
  • Color/markings – Both grenades have gray bodies with red band and red markings.
Online Army Study Guide - Weapons | (2024)
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