Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (2024)

Thurs Feb 1, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Jack takes Nikki to an AA meeting, Tucker calls Kyle a coward, and Lucy eavesdrops on her parents.

Wednesday’s recap: Diane accused Kyle of being passive aggressive, and Nikki worried Jordan was coming for her.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on Feb 1. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

In his office, Victor calls his people and barks at them to find out what happened to “that Jordan woman.”

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (1)

In his office at Jabot, Jack calls Traci for an update on Ashley.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (2)

When he goes to the door, drunk Nikki stumbles into his arms. “Oops!” she grumbles.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (3)

He gets her into a chair and she explains she used a rideshare to get there. She beats herself up about being a burden.

Jack assures her she’s not and her husband loves her.

Nikki shows him the article about the fire at the prison where Jordan was being held. That’s what triggered this.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (4)

For all they know, she could be after her right now. She’s not sure she can come back from this.

Jordan terrifies her and that made her want to drink to make things better but it’s only made things worse.

Jack says she did the right thing in coming to him.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (5)

Handing her some water, he gets her to tell her what’s on her mind.

She talks about Jordan pushing her over the edge just as she was starting to feel co*cky. One drink quickly became three.

Jack says she’s still made a good decision by coming to him. She can’t shake thoughts of Jordan.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (6)

He knows she’s afraid but the chances of Jordan coming after her are minimal. Besides, Victor’s people can protect her.

Nikki knows all that logically but she’s still terrified. He urges her to fight back and stay strong.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (7)

She hopes this doesn’t mean he will make her eat his pretzels but he’s thinking they should go to a meeting and leads her out.

They go to a meeting. Nikki tells the group she feels like she’s falling deeper into the abyss.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (8)

There are moments when she doesn’t feel strong enough to do this but she remembers she beat it once and can again.

She’ll find the courage to keep fighting, whatever this disease throws at her. with teh help of her family and sponsor, she will win.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (9)

Jack takes Nikki to her office and tells her she did the right thing. He offers to drive her home but she wants to focus on work.

He gives her hope that she can do this.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (10)

After Jack hugs her, he turns and bumps straight into Victor, who demands to know what he’s doing there.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (11)

At Daniel’s, Lucy reminds her father that they have plans to go a gallery. He seems spaced out and she asks why he’s been so grumpy all day.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (12)

She notes that her mom has been acting them same and wonders if they had a fight or something.

Heather arrives and things get even more awkward. Their daughter realizes something is going on but they won’t explain.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (13)

They try to fob her off but she keeps pushing. Eventually, her mom sends her to her room so they can speak privately.

She eavesdrops on her mom telling Daniel that she can’t live a lie and keep the truth from their daughter while they wait for him to tell Lily.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (14)

Lucy smiles as her mom tells Daniel that they have the chance to be a real family again. Neither of them want to wait any longer.

She’s been up all night wondering where they can go from here. Heather can’t be beside him and not kiss him.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (15)

He’s been asking himself the same questions. She worries he’s backing away, but he’s eager to make up for his stupidity.

As right as sleeping with her felt, he can’t keep cheating on Lily. The timing is off and he can’t tell her now while she’s dealing with Mattie.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (16)

He’s just grateful that Devon has left him that chance to tell her. Heather admires him being honorable, even if she hates it.

“You don’t want to do anything at all behind her back?” she asks. He would love to spend every night with her but he would hate himself.

She wonders how long they can keep this from their intuitive daughter. Are they going to ask her to lie too?

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (17)

They know she wants them back together. Daniel assures her they will be.

Heather wonders if there’s a chance he might have second thoughts. Taking her hands, he tells her that he is committed. He loves her.

It may have been on pause for a minute but that won’t happen again. He just needs to be fair to Lily.

Heather’s heart goes out to Lily but she wants to be selfish and doesn’t want to risk this. He promises nothing will happen.

They kiss and he asks her to be patient. She’s not, but will wait until they can live as a family again.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (18)

As they kiss again, Lucy starts dancing. They hear her and call her out.

She comes out smiling. She knew this would happen and is thrilled.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (19)

They tell her they are together but need to respect Lily’s feelings. They have to keep this low for a while but they can do family stuff.

She hugs them.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (20)

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Mishael Morgan (Amanda) returns

In his suite, Tucker calls Ashley and leaves a message, saying he knows where she is and what she’s doing.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (21)

In Paris, Ashley and her sister arrive at the bistro where she fought with Tucker. She immediately starts shuddering.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (22)

Ashley is determined to get proof of what happened and won’t be talked out of it.

Her sister will be there for whatever she needs. Ashley thanks her for being there. She needs a witness so she can get Tucker out of her head.

Traci’s not sure she likes the look in her eye.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (23)

Ashely listens to her voicemail from Tucker. He’s dying to know how she will react to coming face to face with reality.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (24)

She’s sure this was just baiting. Her sister suggests they get croissants but Ashley wants to sort this out.

She spots the waiter who was there the day of teh fight. He recognizes her from months ago.

Ashley asks him about the man who was there with her.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (25)

He says he raised his voice and made a commotion, but he’s confused when she mentions him smashing a glass and throwing a chair.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (26)

The waiter doesn’t remember any of that. She tells him he must be wrong but he’s insistent and walks off.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (27)

Ashley tells to her sister that she remembers. Traci nods.

She tells her sister anyone can get confused when emotions run high. Ashley is sure that Tucker got to the waiter and bribed him.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (28)

She goes back to the waiter and demands to know how much Tucker paid him. He shakes his head.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (29)

He assures her it’s the truth and escapes. Batting her sister away, Ashley wants to be alone.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (30)

Tucker finds Kyle in the GCAC dining room. Kyle doesn’t want to talk to him.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (31)

They start sniping at each other about loyalty, Glissade, and Kyle almost turning on his daddy.

The Abbott claims he’s learned that family is more important than money or power. He’s sure Tucker will never learn that and Glissade will crash and burn.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (32)

McCall complains about how he’s just another sanctimonious Abbott. Kyle is sure he had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to put together his new board.

Tucker points out his company all works on a family first basis and even then he got passed over again. Kyle would still rather be at Jabot than anywhere else.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (33)

McCall taunts him about the mother who abandoned him and has no qualifications sliding over him. He says that he could see his ambition for a moment, but he proved to be a chicken like Ashley.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (34)

“You’re never going to be a player man, until you step out of your father’s shadow,” he suggests. Noticing how lousy the service is, Tucker leaves to get coffee elsewhere.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (35)

Ashley calls Tucker from Paris to say he’s scum.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (36)

“Sounds like you’re enjoying Paris,” he says.

She accuses him of paying off the waiter. That makes him laugh.

He says what she keeps accusing him of didn’t happen and she needs to accept it.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (37)

When he tells her she’s delusional, she hangs up.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (38)

Traci calls Jack to tell him that their sister has disappeared.

The witness to the incident did not remember Ashley’s version so she took off.

If he hears from her, he needs to let her know.

Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (39)

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Y&R Recap: Ashley's Devastated When the Waiter Confirms Tucker's Story, Jack Takes a Drunken Nikki to AA Before Victor Catches Them Together (2024)
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