Brelshaza Gate 2 old Legion Raid Guide - Lost Ark (2024)

Lost Ark

Legion Raids

Brelshaza Gate 2 old Legion Raid Guide

Last Updated: September 12th 2023

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Brelshaza Gate 2 success rate depends on the communication between the 7 Players outside fighting the skull and the one 1 player inside fighting Prokel. Make sure to use the in game chat or voice chat, to prepare for upcoming mechanics.

The recommended Combat Items include, but are not limited to:


  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Whirlwind Grenade
  • Time Stop Potion

Party 2

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Sleep Bomb
  • Frost Grenade, Clay Grenade or Flash Grenade
  • Time Stop Potion

Disclaimer: In this guide, we will only focus on the important core & general patterns of the boss. Basic attacks of Gate 3 which are easy to predict or deal low damage, won't be explained in detail.

This guide assumes that you are familiar with the recommendedRaid Buildfor your class.

Learn about Brelshaza Legion Raid Gate: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6.

Important Raid Information

Before you check out the Raid Mechanics and Boss Patterns, please read the following information, which are crucial knowledge required to clear this gate.

  • In Gate 2, seven players fight the Skull Boss (outside) and one player fights Prokel (inside).
  • To clear this gate, Prokel needs to die first. After that, you can kill the skull. Skull will keep reviving as long as Prokel is alive.
  • The player fighting Prokel should get Raid Lead to use Sidereal Skills on top of that, the player inside should warn players outside about upcoming Mechanics, since all mechanics outside are triggered based on Prokel's HP.

Main Mechanics Overview

  • First Stagger - Skull
  • x0 - Skull
  • x135 - Orange Orbs
  • ~x125 | x80 | x45 - Staggered
  • ~x125 — ~x80 & ~x45 — ~x0 - PvP Mode
  • x110 - Red or Blue
  • x80 - 4 Orbs
  • x45 - Portals

Once you have read through the detailed description of the main patterns, use the “cheat sheet” during the raid, or check out our condensed Cheat Sheet Collection for all Legion Raids on one page.

Raid Mechanics

Raid mechanics cover the passive mechanics that are persistent through the entire raid.

Sidereal - Thirain

Sidereal - Azena



  • Thirain is the Sidereal used for high normal and Weak Point Damage.

When To Use

  • Once, Prokel is staggered.



  • Using Azena, summons Damage dealing spears on every monster.

When To Use

  • Once, Prokel is staggered. But Thirian is usually the better option in this case.

Main Mechanics

Main mechanics occur at certain HP intervals or Phases.


  1. Occurs once purple Stagger bar depletes.
  2. A golden chain connects a random player with the boss.


  1. The golden chain shows, which player gets teleported inside to fight Prokel.
  2. This mechanic can be only triggered if there is no player fighting inside.
  3. You can only make use of this mechanic 3 times. After that, a player's death inside causes a raid wipe.

What To Do

  1. To change the target of the chain, the player needs to touch the chain.
  2. Everyone else should stay away from the chain.


  1. Occurs once Skull's HP drops to x0.
  2. Skull and Prokel get staggered.
  3. Inside, a portal appears at the very north.


  1. Since the player inside gets a stacking “Damage taken Increase” debuff, he can use the portal to leave and cleanse it.
  2. Be aware that the raid can enter the 1v1 battle inside only 3 times in total by using the previous Skull Stagger mechanic.

What To Do

  1. Use the portal and exit, if you need to reset the stacks or switch player to fight Prokel.
  2. How many stacks a player can handle depends on Class and Skill. More than 5 stacks might be difficult to handle for certain classes.
  3. You can ignore the portal and wait for the next stagger, if you are confident.


  1. Occurs at x135 HP.
  2. The boss teleports to the center.
  3. Summons 3 Orange orbs at the center and one portal at 1, 6 and 11 O'clock.
  4. The portals periodically shoot projectiles towards random directions.


  1. A player hit by the orange orb gets debuffed and drops periodically puddles on the ground, which deal damage.
  2. Getting hit by another orange orb, while being debuffed, kills the player.
  3. Getting hit 2 times by a portal projectile removes the debuff.
  4. The portals frequently spawn additional orange orbs, if someone lost the debuff.
  5. In normal mode, there are 2 ways to clear this mechanic. In hard mode, only the first option is available.

What To Do

Option 1: Destroying all Portals

  1. Assign 3 players, who should let themselves get hit by the orange orb to get debuffed.
  2. Those 3 players need to drop the puddle together on a portal to destroy it.
  3. They need to do that to all 3 portals while dodging the projectiles from the portal.
  4. If someone loses the debuff, wait for the next orange orb to spawn before moving to the next portal.

Option 2: Removing debuffs

  1. The goal is to get hit by the orange orbs and remove the debuff immediately by getting hit by 2 projectiles.
  2. Repeat this process if a new orange orb spawns.
  3. After the 3rd new orange orb spawns out of a portal, the portal will start to explode. Stay away from the explosion radius.


  1. Occurs around x125, x80 and x45 HP.
  2. Prokel is staggered.

What To Do

  1. Use Sidereal: Thirain if available, to deal additional damage to Prokel.
  2. Optional: You can use Sidereal: Azena here too, but I recommend using Thirain instead.


  • Occurs around ~x125 — ~x80 and ~x45 — ~x0
  • During that time, Prokel loses his Super Armor and can be staggered and crowed controlled.
  • Most skills he uses while being in this mode can deal high damage or insta kill the player.

What To Do

  • Use CC skills and combat items, to interrupt and slow down Prokel.


  1. Occurs at x110 HP.
  2. The boss teleports to the center.
  3. 2 random players get either a red or blue mark above their head.
  4. Boss starts to shoot purple orbs towards random directions.


  1. The 2 chosen players drop after a few seconds, a safe zone with the color of their mark.
  2. Getting hit by a purple orb kills these 2 players.
  3. The other players get a color assigned, once they get hit by a purple orb. Getting hit by additional orbs, kills the player.
  4. After a short delay, the boss kills everyone who is outside a safe zone or in the wrong one.

What To Do

  1. The chosen 2 should avoid getting hit by the purple orbs and try to place the safe zones on a previously agreed place. Ping if needed to communicate with the other players.
  2. The other players need to get hit by one purple orb and move immediately to the safe zone matching their color.


  1. Occurs at x80 HP.
  2. The boss teleports to the center and unleashes a big AoE attack.
  3. A Stagger bar appears below the boss.
  4. The boss summons a rotating cone-shaped area, which explodes after a short delay.


  1. Avoid the initial landing explosion and succeed the Stagger check.
  2. Afterwards, destroy all 4 orbs.
  3. Each orb can be only destroyed with a specific interaction.
  4. Failing to destroy all orbs in time leads to a raid wipe.

What To Do

  1. Dodge towards the boss as soon as he teleports to the center, to avoid getting hit by the aoe.
  2. Succeed the first Stagger check without using combat items. Save those for the follow-up orbs instead.
  3. Once the 4 orbs spawn, focus the orb first, which can be destroyed with your class more quickly.
    • Purple orb: Destroy it by simply dealing damage. (burst Damage classes)
    • Purple orb with Stagger bar: Need high Stagger damage. (classes with high Stagger Damage)
    • White orb: Gets destroyed after getting hit multiple times. (multi-hit/consistent damage classes)
    • Black orb: The player with the target above the head needs to stay aligned with the boss and the orb. Once the target disappears, dodge away. Otherwise, the laser one-shots not only the orb but also the player.


  1. Occurs at x45 HP.
  2. The boss teleports to the center and summons 4 red orbs around him.
  3. The boss shoots exploding shards towards random locations.


  1. Each red orb spawns with 1-3 blue marks above it.
  2. Destroying the red orbs, spawns a portal. The blue marks indicate, how many players can enter that portal.
  3. The follow-up one-shot attack of the boss can be avoided by entering the portal.
  4. Afterwards, a Dark Knight appears on a random location. As long as this knight is alive, the player inside, gets a darkness debuff.

What To Do

  1. Go to the positions shown above, based on your party number.
  2. Ping if a red orb with 3 marks spawns close to you. Destroy the red orb and enter the portal.
  3. If the red orb close to you and another player has only 1 mark, then one of you need to move to the portal with 3 marks, by following the ping made by other players.
  4. Kill the Dark Knight as soon as possible.

Notable Patterns Skull

Trash Mobs

Named Mobs


Jump & Spin



Mana Burn



Throughout the entire fight, small mobs will keep spawning. If a mob survives long enough, it turns red. Pay attention to the following buff icons on the boss:

Brelshaza Gate 2 old Legion Raid Guide - Lost Ark (1)

Killing 25 red mobs, staggers the boss outside and drops an ether orb close to Prokel inside. The player inside can pick it up to get an Invincible buff for 10 seconds.

Brelshaza Gate 2 old Legion Raid Guide - Lost Ark (2)

If there are 30 or more mobs alive, a raid wipe occurs.

What To Do

  1. Don't focus too much on the trash mobs, since they usually die by your AoE skills. But always keep an eye on the buff icon.
  2. Kill red mobs as soon as you spot those.
  3. It is not easy to intentionally let normal mobs turn red. Additionally, you might risk reaching the 30 mob cap fast, if you let too many alive.


Occasionally, one of the following Named Mobs spawns at a random spot at the edge of the map.

  1. White Summoner: Charms nearby players, if you fail the Stagger check.
  2. Dark Caster: Summons AoE on the ground, which imprisons players.
  3. Eye: Marks a random player with a sword icon. Periodically petrifies players looking at it in a big area.

What To Do

  1. White Summoner: Succeed Stagger check and kill it.
  2. Dark Caster: Focus it down as soon as possible.
  3. Eye: Only the marked player can deal damage to this mob. Mark rotates to a different player after a few seconds.
    To avoid petrification, simply run out of the AoE or look away from the eye.


  1. The boss sends out a dark wave.
  2. Players get a dark cloud effect below their feet.
  3. After a short delay, stationary puddles appear below each player, which deal high damage.

What To Do

  1. Run to the edge of the map and wait until the puddle appears.
  2. Move away from it and avoid stepping into any until they disappear.


  1. The boss jumps only once.
  2. Shortly after, he starts to spin and chase after a player. This attack deals high damage.

What To Do

  1. There are other variations of this jump, where he jumps more than once. Those are less dangerous.
  2. If you see him jump only once, move away from him.


  1. The boss floats higher while rotating for a brief moment and sends out a shock wave.
  2. 2 cross shaped attacks follow.
  3. After that, the actual pizza mechanic starts, which consists of multiple waves with a safe zone in between.

What To Do

  1. As soon as you see the 2 cross shaped attacks, run either far away or prepare to do the pizza.
  2. Avoid standing in the purple areas.
  3. Spot the white safe zone and move on top of it. After each shock wave, the safe zone changes.
  4. If there are no white safe zones, move to the colorless zone.

Be aware, he can sometimes skip the 2 cross shaped attacks and just do 1 wave of the pizza pattern!


  1. The boss summons multiple orbs or explosive fields on random players, which detonate after a short delay.

What To Do

  1. Move away from your teammates and keep moving, if you are being targeted by the boss.


  1. The boss remains stationary for a few seconds, and breathes in dark energy.
  2. He shoots a cone-shaped breath attack or a laser. Which deal damage and burn your Mana.

What To Do

  1. Avoid staying in front of the boss or dodge away immediately.


  1. The boss teleports to the center and starts to float.
  2. Dark waves appear, moving towards one direction. On contact, player takes high damage.

What To Do

  1. Try to dodge the waves by using the gaps between the waves.

Footage will be added soon.

Notable Patterns Prokel

You can use Trixion to practice the 1v1 Prokel fight, similar to the Kakul-Saydon Mario games. Only the important skills are explained below.

Red Clones

Sword Throw

Sword Slash




Red Puddles

Spear Clones

Spear Hook



  1. Prokel's sword starts to glow red, while he prepares for a charge attack.
  2. Simultaneously, he spawns clowns, which will do the same after a brief delay.
  3. If hit by the charge attack of the boss, you will get imprisoned and killed with a follow-up attack.
  4. Below x40 HP, Prokel can dash twice in a row.

What To Do

  1. Wait for all clones to spawn and figure out safe areas untouched by the red lasers, which indicate the clone's charging path.
  2. If necessary, use spacebar or Time Stop Potion.


  1. Can be only performed during PvP mode.
  2. The boss sends out 2-3 fast frontal shock waves while tracking the player.
  3. Afterwards, he throws his spear on the player and follows-up with an one-shot attack.

What To Do

  1. Right after the last slash, use either Time Stop Potion or a CC Combat Item or Skill to interrupt the boss.


  1. The sword starts to glow red and Prokel will hold it either on his right or left side, while preparing for a charge attack.
  2. If you stay on the side where he holds his sword, while he performs the charge attack, you will take high damage.
  3. A delayed golden shock wave appears on the sword's charge path.
  4. The boss can perform this attack 2-3 consecutive times.


  1. Use the delay before and between each charge attack to move towards the opposite side of his sword.
  2. Make sure to not step into the delayed shockwaves, while you dodge the follow-up charge attacks.


  1. The boss lifts his hands towards the sky and channels blue energy.
  2. After a few seconds, he unleashes a blue shock wave, which freezes the player.

What To Do

  1. Use Awakening Skill, Time Stop Potion or a well-timed dodge, to avoid the freeze.


  1. The boss starts to float and initiate 3 quick waves of pizza attacks, with safe spots in between.

What To Do

  1. Stay close to the boss and move to the safe spots before/after each wave.


  1. The boss lifts his hands towards the sky and channels golden energy.
  2. After a few seconds, he heals himself.

What To Do

  1. Use skills with high Stagger Damage, to interrupt him.

Footage will be added soon.


  1. The boss summons multiple red puddles at random spots around him.
  2. After a short delay, chains appear out of the puddle and deal high damage.
  3. Some puddles remain on the ground for a few more seconds.

What To Do

  1. Move Away from the puddles as soon as the boss spawns those.
  2. Stay away from the puddles which didn't disappear yet.


  1. Multiple blue glowing rays appear one after another, aimed towards the player.
  2. After a short delay, Prokel and his clone unleash consecutive spear thrusts towards the highlighted areas.

What To Do

  1. As soon as you see the first blue ray, keep moving. By doing so, you spread out the rays and can easily dodge the thrusts.


  1. The spear glows, while the boss prepares for the teleport attack.
  2. After a short delay, the boss teleports behind the player, to pierce and lift the player up.
  3. If successful, he will slam the player multiple times towards the ground.
  4. Shortly after letting you go, the boss follows up with a frontal slash attack.

What To Do

  1. Wait for his teleport animation and use spacebar to dodge the pierce attack.
  2. If caught, try to spacebar out as soon as you fall to the ground., to avoid the frontal slash.


  1. Backstab: Teleports up to 3 times behind a player, before using a counterable move. It stuns the player on hit.
  2. Spear Combo: A spear combo starting with a counterable dash. If not interrupted, he will use multiple spear hit moves in a row.

What To Do

  1. Backstab: Keep moving while he is teleporting. Dodge away if needed and use your counter skill as soon as you see him glowing blue.
  2. Spear Combo: You have to be really quick to Counter this attack. If missed, stay away from him, until he is done with the entire combo.


Written byPerciculum
Reviewed byStarlast

Brelshaza Gate 2 old Legion Raid Guide - Lost Ark (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.