Races preference list (2024)

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    afar Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter

    June 2020 in General Discussion

    We all know that there are 16 subraces + tulnar + possible other races (like the undead Races preference list (3))). Based on the current info, i thought it might be interesting to show you my personal ranking of races, from those I most like, to those I will almost certainly never play. I'm interested to hear about your rankings, what do you think of current races, not exactly tier wise (eg py'rai for archers) but stricte preference wise

    Here's my list:

    1. Kaelar - I like order and building, and even though Kalears sound like something mainstream (empire largest of all), it might be good mainstream.

    2. Py'rai - I like nature, and their buildings design (based on triangles) seem very interesting; I was kinda trigerred about last fb story of them hunting, i thought they'd be more peaceful and "pro life", still, they are based on indians which afterall did hunt so it might be a realistic point of view. If not that, it'd be my 1st pick Races preference list (4))

    3. Ren'kai - "Honor, power, tranquillity" sounds like best motto out of all available, their armor and architecture are also cool, my main concern is they remind me too much of contemporary japan, which on the one hand is realistic, on the other, i just don't really like contemporary japan. BUT if there were other asian races as contrast (chinese, huns), it'd be amazing. Now they remind me of something that I like, while being far from perfect.
    But if those orc buildings (and pallisades) in apoc are ren'kais, then that's different because barbarian aspect was also introduced, so it's more 'diverse' i guess. Still, i prefer alliance to horde, it might be nice idea to introduce them and I'm sure many players will like them, just not for me

    4. Dunir - As well, nice for someone but "too stoic". They are very well done, just not for me. I love their architecture though, and it seems like architecture wise it might be one of the best races

    5. Vek - nice clothes, cool architecture, unique looks but that astrology stuff is not for me. Again, I'm really glad intrepid introduced them as a contrast and way of keeping players who like them together

    6.Empyrean - for now I didn't see much of greco-roman stuff, everything I saw about Empyrean, Kaelar did better. Also they are in opposition to Kaelars

    7. Nikua - too bland for me. I love polynesian culture, but to play dwarves is not worth it. Also they are too 'freedom' to build anything that stands it seems

    8. Vaelune - "kill or be killed"? No, thanks. But realistic and nice concept

    Oh, and Tulnars, forgot about Tulnars. So they are big enigma, on the one hand they have potential, on the other - perspective of humans breeding with everything out of boredom and producing tulnars, well, definitely no

    Reassuming - for now Kaelars are my main pick even though they are 'popular', AOC might be first MMO that I wouldn't play the humans but seems I still have to wait. I still wait for the Chinese/Huns race (those 2 being subraces). Like, one is "Creativity, Resillence, Confidence" and another " Astuteness, Agility, Clarity"

    What do you think? What are your rankings?

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      Amist Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      June 2020 edited June 2020

      I believe there are only 8 subraces, is there not?

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      afar Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter

      June 2020 edited June 2020

      Amist wrote: »

      I believe there are only 8 subraces, are there not?

      Right! My bad
      I guess I calculated it by thinking subconsciously that there are 8 races (as 8 (base) classes), and instead of multiplying them by themselves/8/squaring them, i multiplied them by 2 – as in 2 subraces for every race

      Other than that, everything else still stands Races preference list (7)


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      Amist Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      June 2020 edited June 2020

      I'll give my rankings here as well!

      1. Empyrian - I just love how regal elves are and the greco-roman approach to them has me intrigued!
      2. Vek - Astral orcs just seems like a newer and more interesting concept to me in comparisson to the otherwise standard brutelike orcs.
      3. Ren'kai - With the dev team drawing influence from asian cultures, I simply cannot wait to create a samurai looking beast of an fighter!
      4. Nikua - A very interesting and polar opposite choice for the otherwise well known mountain dwarves. From the concept art to the real life cultural influence, I could see myself perhaps picking up the Nikua as a summoner or a bard!
      5. Dunir - Badass Tolkien mountain dwarves. What more could you want?
      6. Vaelune - I like the desert themed art for the Kaelar, but I tend to play MMO's to get as far away from reality as possible and therefor I usually don't play humans.
      7. Tul'nar - With the ability to pick between a reptillian or beastlike features, I could see the Tul'nar being a cool race but as of now there's not much art to go off of.
      8. (Shared) Py'rai & Kaelar - I don't really care for woodelves or generic human races, meh.


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      tugowar Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      June 2020

      Purple Vek for life.

      Virtue is the only good.


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      artemarkantos Member

      June 2020

      Empyrian (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)


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      Nagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      June 2020

      Im a huge fan of the Nehekharan from Warhammer and for me the Vaelune seem to fit that the best

      Races preference list (12)

      The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace

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      Undead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      June 2020

      Can we be undead? Can that be a thing? Please.

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      Azryil Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      June 2020

      Forever Empyrian!

      Races preference list (15)

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      Guildhart Member

      June 2020

      Amist wrote: »

      I'll give my rankings here as well!

      1. Empyrian - I just love how regal elves are and the greco-roman approach to them has me intrigued!
      2. Vek - Astral orcs just seems like a newer and more interesting concept to me in comparisson to the otherwise standard brutelike orcs.
      3. Ren'kai - With the dev team drawing influence from asian cultures, I simply cannot wait to create a samurai looking beast of an fighter!
      4. Nikua - A very interesting and polar opposite choice for the otherwise well known mountain dwarves. From the concept art to the real life cultural influence, I could see myself perhaps picking up the Nikua as a summoner or a bard!
      5. Dunir - Badass Tolkien mountain dwarves. What more could you want?
      6. Kaelar - I like the desert themed art for the Kaelar, but I tend to play MMO's to get as far away from reality as possible and therefor I usually don't play humans.
      7. Tul'nar - With the ability to pick between a reptillian or beastlike features, I could see the Tul'nar being a cool race but as of now there's not much art to go off of.
      8. (Shared) Py'rai & Vaelune - I don't really care for woodelves or generic human races, meh.

      Stares Intensely

      Vaelune is the desert humans. I agree with the general sentiment though, generic humans races, meh.

      Races preference list (17)

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      Amist Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      June 2020

      Guildhart wrote: »

      Amist wrote: »

      I'll give my rankings here as well!

      1. Empyrian - I just love how regal elves are and the greco-roman approach to them has me intrigued!
      2. Vek - Astral orcs just seems like a newer and more interesting concept to me in comparisson to the otherwise standard brutelike orcs.
      3. Ren'kai - With the dev team drawing influence from asian cultures, I simply cannot wait to create a samurai looking beast of an fighter!
      4. Nikua - A very interesting and polar opposite choice for the otherwise well known mountain dwarves. From the concept art to the real life cultural influence, I could see myself perhaps picking up the Nikua as a summoner or a bard!
      5. Dunir - Badass Tolkien mountain dwarves. What more could you want?
      6. Kaelar - I like the desert themed art for the Kaelar, but I tend to play MMO's to get as far away from reality as possible and therefor I usually don't play humans.
      7. Tul'nar - With the ability to pick between a reptillian or beastlike features, I could see the Tul'nar being a cool race but as of now there's not much art to go off of.
      8. (Shared) Py'rai & Vaelune - I don't really care for woodelves or generic human races, meh.

      Stares Intensely

      Vaelune is the desert humans. I agree with the general sentiment though, generic humans races, meh.

      Whoops, I changed it. Thanks for the heads up! Races preference list (19)


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      Plateau Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      June 2020 edited April 2023


      Mega troll frRaces preference list (21)

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      RockHound Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      July 2020

      #1 - Vek Cleric/Summoner= Shaman... I just have to try this
      #2 - Py’rai Rogue/Ranger= Predator... This is how I like to move through nature
      #3 Ren’kai Fighter/Tank= Dreadnaught... Lets roll!!!

      Other races are just kinda “meh” to me. Empyrean just seem like they’d be stuck up, hoity toity, D-bags that I’d rather put my blade into than live among.
      Dwarves are cool.... I just don’t want to be one
      Humans... I already am one... fantasy game motivates me to imagine being something else.

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      Ravudha Member

      July 2020

      1. Ren'kai or Vaelune
      2. Other

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      Damokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

      July 2020

      Tulnar > Humies > Orcses > Elfies > Stunties

      Races preference list (25)

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      Varkun Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      July 2020

      Ren'kai, nuf said.

      Races preference list (27)

      Close your eyes spread your arms and always trust your cape.

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      voidshadow Member

      July 2020

      Always been a big fan of the dark elf trope. It has nothing to do with my love of drow novels but i've always looved the overall look they have. Maybe cuz im edgy. I'd prefer one of the elf races and would be especially pleased if skin tone is a customizable feature during char creation

      Damokles wrote: »

      Tulnar > Humies > Orcses > Elfies > Stunties

      Nice terms. But the only acceptable form of tulnar that is superior to the other races are lizardmen or some variation. The rest are furries. Eff furries

      Where there is light, there is shadow. I am the shadow without the light. The shadow of nothingness. The VoidShadow

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      Damokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

      July 2020

      voidshadow wrote: »

      Always been a big fan of the dark elf trope. It has nothing to do with my love of drow novels but i've always looved the overall look they have. Maybe cuz im edgy. I'd prefer one of the elf races and would be especially pleased if skin tone is a customizable feature during char creation

      Damokles wrote: »

      Tulnar > Humies > Orcses > Elfies > Stunties

      Nice terms. But the only acceptable form of tulnar that is superior to the other races are lizardmen or some variation. The rest are furries. Eff furries

      Or more elfies. Dark Elfies.

      Races preference list (30)

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      Atama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      July 2020

      I plan on being Empyrean. A highly martial, prideful, and elegant culture is perfect for what I want to do.

      Races preference list (32)

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      Nagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      July 2020

      Kaelar = Arrogant humans who think they own Verra
      Vaelune = Humans that have given in to greed and decadence
      Ren'Kai = Savages who speak of honour yet know only violence
      Vek = Savages who seek to know the god's order
      Empyrean = Arrogant knife ears who think they own Verra
      Py'Rai = Tree-hugging knife ears
      Dünir = Greedy stunties that hide from the problems of the world
      Niküa = Savage stunties who sail to hide from the problems of the world.
      Tulnar = Abominations

      Races preference list (34)

      The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace

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      Undead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      July 2020

      Undead = Peaceful and relaxed society

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      Damokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

      July 2020

      Nagash wrote: »

      Kaelar = Arrogant humans who think they own Verra
      Vaelune = Humans that have given in to greed and decadence
      Ren'Kai = Savages who speak of honour yet know only violence
      Vek = Savages who seek to know the god's order
      Empyrean = Arrogant knife ears who think they own Verra
      Py'Rai = Tree-hugging knife ears
      Dünir = Greedy stunties that hide from the problems of the world
      Niküa = Savage stunties who sail to hide from the problems of the world.
      Tulnar = Abominations

      You do know that you will have to play as one of the meatbags do you Nagash? xD

      Races preference list (37)

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      Nagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      July 2020

      Damokles wrote: »

      Nagash wrote: »

      Kaelar = Arrogant humans who think they own Verra
      Vaelune = Humans that have given in to greed and decadence
      Ren'Kai = Savages who speak of honour yet know only violence
      Vek = Savages who seek to know the god's order
      Empyrean = Arrogant knife ears who think they own Verra
      Py'Rai = Tree-hugging knife ears
      Dünir = Greedy stunties that hide from the problems of the world
      Niküa = Savage stunties who sail to hide from the problems of the world.
      Tulnar = Abominations

      You do know that you will have to play as one of the meatbags do you Nagash? xD

      saddly I know. may as well go with Vaelune as they have pyramids

      Races preference list (39)

      The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace

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      Ventharien Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

      July 2020

      I'll probably end up going Empyrean. Like the name too much and the architecture looks great. But I'll switch and go Kaelar if there's something about them i find out i don't like.

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      Undead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      July 2020 edited July 2020

      Maybe the tree hugging knife ears.

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    Races preference list (2024)
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