What race and class will you pick and why? (2024)

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    Sinedko Member

    August 2022 in General Discussion


    Lets gather some info who want to play what, I'm really interested why you choosed that race and class combo.

    I cannot decide, so maybe some replies will help me to.



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      ButtercupClover Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      August 2022

      I am hard set on playing bard. I'll be in town crafting most of the time so I won't have too much time to learn my class, I'd rather play a support who can let those that know how to fight do their thing better.

      As for race, I'm not sure yet. The Vaelune sound extremely cool how Steven described them in the last stream so maybe them. Empyrean have an elegant look to them which I really like. Kaelar is also really easy to customize and their armor styles are some of my favorites. It might change when we get more info on racial stats and traits but Vaelune, Empyrean, and Kaelar are my favorite designs so far.


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      Morg7x7 Member

      August 2022

      Vek Cleric
      The "seasons" update video got me hooked on the Vek with it's creepy posture and flowing robes, Cleric because I enjoy PvP healing and easy PvE groups.

      First alt will be a Ranger because I've always loved the ranger archetype. Race has changed from Ren'Kai to Py'Rai and now I'm favouring Vaelune so who knows What race and class will you pick and why? (5)

      If there is an anti Cleric class that will be my next alt just to improve my Cleric skills, race TBD.


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      hapy Member

      August 2022

      human ranger
      I'll be running around the world, gathering and pvping


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      Solmyr Member

      August 2022

      For race, I'm definitely going with Dunir. Always been a fan of classic dwarves and AoC's got that aesthetic down to a science.

      Class is still up in the air, it's gonna depend on how they play. I'd lean toward Tank as an archetype, just because it fits the stereotype, but a ranger might be pretty cool too -- especially if they get access to potion launchers.

      For artisan class, I really like the sound of building siege engines. Even if they rarely get used, it'd be cool to join a siege and see my war machines in action. For the second mastery, I'll probably just go with whatever I find the most fun.


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      bloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      August 2022

      Tulnar Mage.
      I usually main a mage or healer. Lovin' the looks of the Tulnar so far and I prefer non-standard races.
      Most likely go full glass cannon as well. Let the DPS race begin.

      The Tulnar shall rise again and squash the invader's. What race and class will you pick and why? (9)

      Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.


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      SirChancelot Member

      August 2022

      Tulnar or Ren Kai Tank
      Tulnar or Py'rai summoner

      Kinda depends on what I can do with the tulnar character creator


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      MadCowCrazy Member

      August 2022

      Summoner as main but secondary I do not know yet, leaning towards Necromancer but it depends on how many pets you can have. I want to play the class with the most pets available at the same time.

      As for race the ones shown so far are really boring imo, they are just humanoids. I want to play a non human species. I'd love to play a werewolf, werecat or other were race. Some sort of monster race.
      Seems there is a race called Tulnar that might be what I'm looking for but it all depends on customization. I don't want goat horns on my werewolf and there has to be a female version.


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      SongRune Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

      August 2022

      Empyrian - Py'rai was my original sorta-expectation, but I'm not interested in having antlers.
      Bard/ - I'm a Bard, so I'll play Bard. Pretty simple.
      /Rogue - I'm expecting Stealth and Mobility options, possibly along with bleed or crippling style augments.
      /Ranger - For mobility, possibly trap-laying, or things that would enable a sniping playstyle, depending on the sorts of situations my party gets into.

      Getting into and out of position for things is going to be important, I hope, and I'm not a pure backline type of person either way. The ability to get into or out of positions effectively, particularly as part of an overall flow style when soloing is going to be important to me.


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      Corpier Member

      August 2022

      Probably a Ren'kai or Dunir. Fighter or rogue.

      I like melee damage dealing, but also sometimes enjoy tanking. So I'll probably play a Fighter, Rogue, or Tank. Likely a Weapon Master or Assassin unless other secondary classes prove stronger, more useful, or more fun than doubling down on primary archetypes.

      However, I'm somewhat of an alt-a-holic, and other classes I'm interested in are Dreadnaught, Guardian, and Predator. Plan to try a bit of everything though, so could end up loving something totally different when I experience it.

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      PlasticLemons Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      August 2022

      Vek Cleric. I'm a support main in every game I play. I'm hoping for some kind of dark magic elements to be available with the class augment system (Cleric Rogue??). I've been set on this since KS days and now that we actually have Vek available to look at I am way more excited than ever.

      The Best Vek Cleric(/Rogue or /Cleric) In AoC

      Use this Google Sheet to help plan what Artisan Skills you plan to max in AoC! DM me on discord @PlasticLemons if you have any feedback or questions.


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      Zachenroe Member

      August 2022 edited August 2022

      Not sure on the race, either Tulnar or Dunir because I want to go full into mining aesthetic* . For class I want to go mage/wizard, but I am more interested in Utility magic then damage so whichever class leads me that direction.


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      GrandHarfang Member

      August 2022

      Either a Vek or Ren'Kai summoner. I like the idea of fighting through summons. I very much like the direction Intrepid is taking with the Orc races. I haven't decided yet if I'll play as a Vek or a Ren'Kai. I'll probably decide in the character creator.

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      Xefjord Member

      August 2022

      Kaelar Highsword. I want to be a more combat oriented Paladin type character, and Kaelar because I want to self insert and essentially create myself.


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      Dummo Member

      August 2022 edited September 2022

      Race will most likely be based on racial traits, class could be Shadowblade, Spellsword or Weapon Master.

      Dark Knight Dummo

      What race and class will you pick and why? (19)

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      RottenStray Member

      August 2022

      Desert Humans, I've had a long-standing love for desert biomes ever since I first started playing RuneScape over a decade ago. I love the middle eastern aesthetic, everything from the headscarves to the weaponry.


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      renadedante Member, Intrepid Pack

      August 2022 edited August 2022

      There are a lot of options already of what to play class wise and also race wise! After much consideration, I chose to play Tulnar because it seems to have a bunch of interesting concepts and rich lore. I'm also fascinated with the idea of the character creator for them! I am currently look at being either an off tank so tank something, or being a figher mage so spellsword! There are a lot of options but to me it comes down to feeling!

      [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
      Come check us out!

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      Hinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      August 2022 edited August 2022

      I'm aiming for an Angel/Demon archwizard

      I wanted to accentuate the hellish or heavenly aspect of the racial with dishing out some awesome magic. What race and class will you pick and why? (23)

      What race and class will you pick and why? (24)

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      Warth Member

      August 2022

      Natasha wrote: »

      I'm aiming for an Angel/Demon archwizard

      I wanted to accentuate the hellish or heavenly aspect of the racial with dishing out some some awesome magic. What race and class will you pick and why? (26)

      @Natasha Utah?, dude, you cant just make stuff up.


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      Ironhope Member

      August 2022 edited August 2022

      I will play a Kaelar highsword and a Kaelar templar in tandem (yes I enjoy leveling if it's done well, and I imagine AoC will do it well).

      I want a crusader (retribution paladin) fantasy and gameplay and I'm not sure at this point what will provide this best.

      While I strongly suspect the highsword will be closer to what I desire, I feel like being forced to play as a warrior for the first 25 levels is a pretty bitter pill to swallow so I will go for a templar (cleric start) as well to balance it out.

      Later on I would also like to try Empyrean assassins and maybe an Empyrean necromancer.

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      Asgerr Member

      August 2022

      Current idea is:

      Main: Empyrean or Human Fighter (maybe a Spellsword, can't say for sure at this time).

      Alt: Dünir Cleric and Vek Ranger.

      But it will all greatly depend on what we see for each archetype and its class kit and fantasy. Bard sounds fun and Summoner is cool, but without any information, those are what I'm leaning towards out of all the showcased ones.

      What race and class will you pick and why? (29)

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      Mrhubbard Member

      August 2022

      For me Tulnar but may change in the future.

      For the class, nightspell focusing on bursting enemies quickly out of stealth!


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      BizzMarq Member

      August 2022

      Personally I'm not dead set on anything yet, as we don't really have enough information regarding the augment system for me to make a solid choice. But right now here are my top 2.

      1.) Pyrai Ranger - I'm traditionally a shooter player and pride myself on my aim, so I'm hoping ranged combat in Ashes helps translate that skillset. In the past I've also really enjoyed playing ranger archetypes in MMOs. I like the Pyrai because they look really cool and I've always loved the fantasy aspect of wood elves. For secondary archetypes I'm leaning towards rogue making me a scout for stealthy escapes / approaches. However, I also enjoy healing so depending on how the soulbow (cleric secondary) plays I might opt for that for a damage off healer hybrid.

      2.) Vek Wildblade - I love the idea of a more spiritual orc race which seem to be what Intrepid is going for with the Vek. In the MMOs that I have played in the past, orcs have mostly been pigeonholed into melee dps / tank roles. I like the idea of a magic wielding orc that can also use his size to engage in melee combat. I just hope that the summoner class is more engaging then summoning trash mobs that do all the work for you with no real player interaction.


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      Evilblood Member

      August 2022

      This is how original I am: I'm most likely going to be playing a vek summoner. I want to name him smeagol or Gollum and plant a freehold in the mountains, just outside of a gold mine. Ill buy all the harvested Gold Ore from the gatherers there and ill process it all at my freehold. I will dedicate myself to finding an artisan that crafts me the perfect GOLD RING. I will then Place that Gold Ring at my Player stall in my freehold for $999999999999 and so everyone will know that I have the one ring to rule them all, and it will be mine for all eternity (until the node is destroyed and my freehold attacked).


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      Samcro101 Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

      August 2022

      I'll be desert folk probably as a shaman. This depends on what the class feels like of course.

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      Dolyem Member

      August 2022

      Kaelar Highsword possibly.

      But now that we have a better look at the nikua, if they have racials that have to do with sailing, they have gone from a zero to a strong candidate.

      Classes that interest me are Highsword, Strider, Hunter, Scout, Predator, Cultist, and perhaps a soulbow.

      My Race choice will be ultimately determined by their racial abilities/passives.

      What race and class will you pick and why? (35)

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      Austin7934 Member

      August 2022

      Honestly, im the most vanilla player ever. Im probably going to be a human with a sword lmao

      What race and class will you pick and why? (37)


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      ABKuyt Member

      August 2022

      Human because I want to create an identical version of myself in the creator.


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      CROW3 Member

      August 2022

      Dünir Ranger

      What race and class will you pick and why? (40)


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      Amist Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

      August 2022

      Empyrean Tank - not sure about my secondary class though


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      Bullvinne Member

      August 2022

      This is all dependent on actual class/race info but i fairly certain i want to play a summoner.

      Race will likely be the best one stat/abikity wise for summoner but the purple orks, antlered elfs, underground races, and islander dwarves look pretty cool.


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    What race and class will you pick and why? (2024)
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